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Friday, July 4, 2014

Domestic Violence: Abuse Does Not Show Prejudice

Domestic Violence: Abuse Does Not Show Prejudice


You Didn't "Cause" It, and It's Not Your Fault!

Abuse doesn't show prejudice; it comes in many forms and affects many of people in more ways then one. Some don't even know.....
Some of you might not even think of some things are abuse, but they are. Even stealing some ones identity, it is being invasive, misrepresenting, and abusive. You are ruining someone, making their life harder to live. The one you abuse, has to clean up after your damage, and try to make a new. And it isn't as easy at some of us make it seem.

Abuse is not just raising a fist, it is name calling, it is rape, it is pretending to be someone you're not, just to get somewhere with someone. It is a lot of things. And it damages us, and sometimes it even damages people to the point of no repair. Because sometimes, people take their own lives- once they are fed up, and can't seem to get away from the abuse.

Abuse causes depression, alienation, hatred, and even more violence. And yes, history can repeat itself. I listened to my Mothers stories of abuse, I listened to my Fathers. And then I witnessed myself and my siblings, as we were abused. I also witnessed my own Father and Mother and their fights. But yet, they stayed together.

It causes nightmares, and ruins certain things for you. In example, if you witness your Mother being beaten, and her glasses knocked clean off of her face- you may see it every time you drop your own glasses. I do.

I married young, at the age of eighteen, because my husband wanted to rescue me from the abuse. When my husband undressed in front of me, and would pull his belt from his jeans, I would scream and cower. I could literally see my Father pulling his belt off, right before our beatings!

As a child, you can't get away from it. But at least now of days, when you report it, something is done. I tried and was ignored, but that was the eighties.....

And since I am addressing calling agencies to make reports of abuse, I would like to address false reporting.

It is a crime to file false reports, yet people do it. Sometimes just because you parked your car in front of their drive, or because they just don't like you. Whatever the reason, they don't care, because they don't get the affects from it. I beg to differ, because karma will eventually get you. My son has a huge mole on his side, and every place we have lived, when he is shirtless, people report it time and time again. It is said to look like a bruise. It is to the point, that when Child Services is called, and they show up, my son takes his shirt off instantly and says, "It's a mole!!"

People are nosey, and the most common problem, is assumption. I hate it. I have written many of poems on assumption. Yes, I have done it myself, and so have you, whether you care to admit it or not. And go ahead and say, "I would rather make a mistake with a wrong report, rather then assume it's not happening and not report it, when it is."

Why not ask the child? Why not ask your neighbor? You will know the truth by the look and reactions, without words, trust me.

And for your information, as I previously stated-filing a false police report is a crime. And here in Florida, three false reports from the same person, you can get your Attorney involved, and have the person prosecuted. Trust me, I know- because I too, have had nosey neighbors that have nothing better to do.

Children are our future. Love them, and treat them right. And as for people abusing their spouses, both men and women- get out and get away from it. They'll sleep sometime. Pray, and please ask someone for help. Make the person abusing you believe you have no desire to report them, and once they believe it, make your move. Stay strong and focused. And remember to pray, pray and pray.

But please, when you pray- don't wish death upon your abuser. (The reason being, is it is the wrong way to pray, and can back fire on you!) Pray they will grow bored with the abuse, need to work more hours for you to get away, pray the Lord to lead them away, and to lead you to safety. There are many shelters in the phone books, right in the front. Call a church, there is a reason you were put on this Earth, not just to be the victim of violence and abuse.

There is not a reason you are being abused, and no- you did not ask for this, and no you do not deserve it. Abuse has no prejudices; it is a choice that the abuser makes, unfortunately.
Published by Deneale K. Williams

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