You're Being Tracked!


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Poem: Why Do I Write?

Why Do I Write?

I Just Thought You Might like to Know......

I don't write to impress you,
I don't write because I have to-
I write because I want to;
And it's stuff you might relate to.
Some people might think I mean to hurt someone,
Others might think I may have said too much--
My words aren't meant to hurt anyone;
And I hope you don't take my words as such!
I have things troubling me---
As if you can't already tell,
Writing is what helps me to see,
Although I don't do it so swell!
If something I say has bothered you,
I do want to apologize from the bottom of my heart;
But no one is forcing you to read this through-
And no one told you to read from the start!
I was taught long ago to write how I feel,
When I do it this way I cause a lot less damage--
Sometimes it helps me to focus on what is real;
And help me to act more like my age!
Yes, sometimes I hold things in that I shouldn't,
I know that it is something I need to change;
And then there's times that I wish I couldn't--
And my mouth fires off like a twelve gage!
A lot of my life has been mistakes,
I'm sure I'm not the only one too--
I've had my share of gives and takes;
No matter what it is I do!
So what it is that I'm trying to say here,
Is don't hate me for what I've written or said--
Maybe you should just look in the mirror,
If you can relate to anything you've read!
In other words if you feel that I have written something about you,
Perhaps maybe I have- but allow me to explain why---
This is how I get it off my chest and the way I make it through;
I'd rather write and get paid, then sit here and cry!!
Published by Deneale K. Williams

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