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Friday, July 4, 2014

Poem: Should You Cut The Cheese?

Should You Cut the Cheese?

In a room full of people, no one the wiser.....
Your belly starts to ache-- its gonna be a geyser!!

You have no where to go, what can you do?

Just let it rip and play it through?

Some will be disgusted, some will laugh,

It's a normal bodily function- its just a gas!

Sometimes they can be sneaky,

Others have been known to be squeaky.

When you want a nice little silent one,

It roars out your butt sounding like a gun!

It doesn't matter who you are, or even where--

Just so long as you didn't fall out of your chair!

Now that its gone, maybe you'll be done;

Don't count on that, it will ruin the fun!

Next comes the smell, people noses a wrinklin',

You're the one that let it rip- what were you thinkin'?
Published by Deneale K. Williams

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