World we live in today, is much different from many years ago. Or so it
seems. And the way it came to exist, is because people became unafraid
to hide the things they believe in, their thoughts and actions.
Is it a good thing, or is it a bad thing? It all depends on how you feel, because each of us has a different opinion.
No matter what we do, there is controversy. And no matter what we do, all people remember- is the bad.
With the way the World today has changed, we assume that ages ago- people weren't like they are now. And that is not necessarily true. The only thing different is that people were more discreet.
Perhaps you are wondering what I am focusing on? Just about everything.
For instance:
Native Americans used to smoke peace pipes.
Jews drank wine.
And most of all, "allegedly" Mary Magdeline was.....ah, but that's just a rumor?!
Today people get high several times a day, and in more ways than one!
Today wine is on menus, served with meals, and many of us enjoy a little drink now and then!
But the biggest controversy, the biggest complaint, is the sexual relations. People, whom are gay, and bisexual, are bigoted against. Made fun of, and judged.
People automatically label these people; point fingers and wrinkle their noses.
They don't bother to think perhaps something led them down that path. Maybe there is a justifiable reason. Instead, we criticize and make crude comments.
Quite some time ago, and on several different TV shows, I witnessed whereas a child was confused about their sexuality. The child was raised that being gay was wrong, but still had the desire to be with its same sex. Later, you learn that the child was born with both sexual organs, and the parent decides what sex they want their child.
Don't get me wrong, I am not making excuses. But what I am saying, however is
"Who are you to judge?"
I have a friend who is lesbian. She was abused by her Father, and several Uncles. She married at the age of sixteen, and was abused by her spouse. She later divorced, and then remarried again, only to be abused once again. Now you might be thinking, she liked it, or asked for it.
Obviously not everyone knows what goes on behind the closed doors.
But this led my friend to a girl, and they started out as friends, comforting one another. Both girls were abused. They held one another, listened to one another, and helped each other through their personal struggles.
Eventually they both tried and furthered their relationship.
Through violence and hatred, they found one another. They are still together today, and are still happy today. They even go to church, and are living happy and normal lives.
I am not condoning, I am not saying it's right or wrong. I am however, saying that the Bible tells us not to judge, that it is God who will judge once we die, and at that time we will pay for our sins.
Agreeably, every Bible I have ever read says that marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman. And I have been to many churches, studied many religions.
But so long as the person you are "judging" is doing this in the comfort of their own home, living their life, not hurting anyone, why should it matter to you? No one is forcing it on you.
And as for those people who do and sell drugs, if they aren't forcing it on you, and your children-or anyone else's children for that matter-how are they hurting you? Now, if they are causing you problems, nightly rituals being noisy, and obnoxious-only then should it be your concern.
You have skeletons in your closet, whether you care to admit it or not. You are far from perfect yourself. There are things about you, which you might not want people to know.
Perhaps you smoke cigarettes around people, making them breathe in your second hand smoke. That isn't right, and you are forcing yourself and your actions on another person!
There are things you need to think about before you point your fingers. People have feelings, and they are all different. No two are alike, even if they are twins!
We have all been raised differently, taught differently, and learned and absorbed the World around us differently! That makes us all unique individuals!
I say that no matter what or who you are, so be it. It is your choice, and that is something we have here in America, the freedom of choice. We have the right to be who we are, nothing more, nothing less.
And I thank you all, for being you!
Published by Deneale K. Williams
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