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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Doctor's Do Make Mistakes! I'm Living Proof!

Doctors Do Make Mistakes! I'm Living Proof!

This is True Experience that My Husband and I Went Through

As you may or may not know, I have five children. When I went through child birth, I went through it naturally every time, except with my last, that time I used an epidural. I figured, with my sixth pregnancy, fifth child- I deserved a break!
Anyway, with my fourth child a boy- my own Doctor was on vacation. They said that his Doctor in training could do the child birth, that he knew what he was doing. I was not exactly comfortable with the new guy. And I have just cause in this, because with every child birth, I hemorrhage. And I hemorrhage in large amounts every time.

Anyway, there wasn't any complications with Dexter's labor. It lasted several hours, and I pushed and out he came, ta-da. Now the doctor is pulling out the after birth. If you know anything about child birth, then you know that the after birth must weigh the same or more than the baby did. Dexter was over eight pounds. The doctor did not reach in and pull out the after birth, he tugged, and pulled, and some fell into the bowl. He then started cleaning up and was done.

I looked over at my husband, who also thought everything was done. "It's not all of it! I" I said aloud. The Doctor smiled at me, "Ma'am" he didn't even call me by my name! "I went to School for this, you didn't. Trust me I know what I'm doing!" Oh my God! I looked over at my husband, with the look that said I'm right and the Doctor is wrong. "OK, how come other Doctors stick their hands inside and pull everything out?

"You pulled and that was it. I know there is more!" I said, I was mad, trust me.

"This is new technique. We tug until everything stops. The body will throw it all away, rejecting it, like it should. Trust me, your body wants it all out. You'll be just fine! I know what I am doing!"

I knew I was right, like I said, this was my fourth child, fifth pregnancy. "Whatever." I said.

After you give birth, they take you to a recovery room, and put you under a heat lamp. This is where you sleep, and relax, and recover after all the work of giving birth. My husband always stays with me through everything. His head is down laying beside my leg, sleeping with me.

This is where everything goes "strange". As I sleep, somehow I come out of my body, and am watching from above myself. I see myself and my husband. He is screaming and yelling, bouncing around, going into the hallway, and then I focus on what he is saying, and I hear: "So help me God, if she dies, I'm gonna sue this hospital! She told you! She told you that you didn't get all the after birth out! You didn't listen! Save her! NOW!"

That explains it, I'm dead. All because of that know-it-all Doctor. God forbid if the birthing Mother knows her own body, let alone more then a Doctor. Now I wanted to live even more, I had to let others know, and tell that Doctor off, or even his own Superior.

Doctors and nurses came in, I was hemorrhaging. They removed the blanket and there was blood and after birth everywhere. They brought me back, and then hooked up blood to me, giving me a transfusion-because I had lost so much. The Doctor was called back, and he looked at me, all apologetic like, and said: "I have to go back in, and get the after birth. You were right, I left some in there." I glared at him. My husband, holding my hand, still some what crying, says, "Asshole!" I smirked, that comment was so deserved. "The bad thing, is that I can't give you any medicine.

No pain medicine, and I have to put both of my arms inside of you. I am going to give you a manual D&C and it is going to hurt." I was still glaring and mad. "No medicine? How can you do that? Hasn't she went through enough? You screwed up! She died! And now you are going to- No!"
My husband said. "Sir, I apologize to the both of you. I swear the technique I used has worked on numerous women before you two. Nurse, get a table, and get this prepared, we need to do this STAT." I was literally bawling now.

They could only get one nurse to help. So David, my husband had to hold my leg, while the other nurse held onto the other leg. There were two Doctors in there, one climbing into me, and one watching. It was so painful. I cried, I screamed, I passed in and out of conscience-nous. My husband, had tears flowing from his eyes too, he kept apologizing. Like it was his fault!

I could feel everything, from his fingers, to a tool he used to scrape my insides. I called him foul names, I won't lie to you. I cussed big time, and I think I used every single cuss word in the book, and even made some up! I told the Doctor I hated him, I was going to kill him, I was in so much pain. People tell you scales of pain are one through ten. This exceeded ten.

As the Doctor finished, he was announcing he was done, my husband let go of my leg, "accidentally" so that I could kick the man across the room. David laughed, as the Doctor fell, and called him a name. After the Doctor stood up, he came to my side, the opposite side of my husband, and said to me, "I will be up to check on you in your room. And again, I apologize." I looked at him, "I hate you!" I said, still crying, and hurting.

The nurse came over to me, and she smiled, and leaned over and kissed my fore head. "You did a wonderful job. I am very sorry you had to go through that. I will let his boss know. As soon as you have all the blood back into your system, we'll give you pain medicine. I promise you." I didn't say a word to her. But you could see the sympathy in her eyes.

This procedure was done in the recovery room, not a surgery room, or anything. There was no time. After everyone left our sights, David leaned over to me, kissed me, and said, "I thought I had lost you. I love you. I need you, don't you ever die on me again!" He made me feel better.

Nurses kept a close on me, checking me over and over again, what seemed like every ten minutes or so. David said I was a pale white. He and I slept off and on, in between disturbances from nurses, and severe cramping pain in my belly.

After several hours in recovery, I had to pee. They came over to me, and tried to move me, and I couldn't so they had to put a bed pan under me. With every single birth, I could use the toilet on my own, until this one. The nurse had to let the Doctor know, there was no way I was going to be able to move in and out of bed right away, that I was still in excruciating pain.

So now a pain management nurse comes in, reads my vitals, to determine if I can have pain medication yet. She determined that I could have a small dose. So finally I was able to get a something, rather than nothing.

After several more hours in recovery, they sent me to a room. I was the longest natural child birthing mother, to be in recovery that long. My husband made them arrange for a private room for me, after the crap they put me through, he figured they owed me, so they did it. I was thankful to that.
The reason I am writing this, is because I know that I died. I didn't go to heaven, or to hell, I wasn't dead long enough. Either that, or it wasn't my time. The other reason I am sharing this, all of my life, I told my husband I had a fear of dying with child birth.

The Doctors tell you, they are more advanced now of days, and rarely loose mothers to child birth anymore. For me now, the fear of death during child birth was now gone, no more nightmares about it, either.

Now I have a different fear of death, sadly. So I want you to know, that if you fear or know for that matter, how you will die, you are probably right. However, it doesn't mean technology won't bring you back. Than you can have a new way to die later!

This was not my last child birth, either- so you know. I had to have a little girl, and with my fifth child birth, I finally did! Don't let your fears control you. Live life to it's fullest. I did and do!
And before I close, I would like to thank my husband David, for always taking care of me, and loving me. I too, can't live without you!
Published by Deneale K. Williams

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