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Thursday, July 24, 2014

My Beliefs & Thoughts About God & the Past Or Present?!

My Beliefs & Thoughts About God & the Past

Or Present?!

God is a very sensitive and touchy subject, so when speaking aloud of Him, one must be careful how things are worded. On paper it is a little easier.
I am writing about God today because, for one, yes I believe in Him. For two, I am having a problem with those who don't, and want to rearrange our lives and make us remove it from our currency and pledge. I see no reason they just can't ignore it, as they have done in the past. We as humans have believed in God, more then we have not believed, because the non belief didn't come into play until much later.

Don't get me wrong, I do question the bible from time to time, because yes, it does contradict itself in more then one instance. But in all realization, if it is man writing down what God is saying, then of course it will contradict itself-for one-think about this. We, as mankind are not perfect! For two, have you yourself ever written or typed something, and one of your kids come up to you, and asks you a question.

You type, as you're writing, "not now, I'm busy, give me a minute." So let's say Moses is writing what God told him to write, and then his wife asks him something. Let's say they even discussed her question. Then he goes back to writing, it and "what is it God said? Oh yeah, something about bread...what was it?"

I am one of the few who believe evolution and in God, most don't believe in both. But I do, and let me tell you why. The Dinosaurs and the cave men, were Adam and Eve. It is one in the same, in my eyes anyway. The creatures they ate and lived upon were dinosaurs. And the ice age, was perhaps when the flooding took place, because after all, of course we are going to have a flood, after the ice melts. Think about this.

The past is always something that interests me. History, including the bible, because someone had the decency to write it, so we knew it happened. When I was a kid in School, it bored me, until I finally had a teacher that knew how to teach it, to intrigue you. The past of mankind, whether it be biblical or not, is something we all need to learn and know, because we can grow from it, and correct the mistakes we have made in the past.

You often hear of people asking, "If God exists then why did he let this happen to me? Why didn't he just let me die?!" There is always a reason. Perhaps that person needed to make amends with a family member. Perhaps in that persons crippled state, they were supposed to teach others, as did Christopher Reeve. He shared his life, his dilemma, still acted, and tried to encourage others to go on, and not just others who were also less fortunate.

But anyone who had a problem, to take a bite out of that problem, examine it, and your life, and makes the best of it. Helen Keller was blind; she still made an example and succeeded. As I have mentioned, none of us are perfect. But we are all here, in this spot, place and time for a reason. A reason that might not be visible to us, but there always is one.

They say that God has a plan for us all. He has previously mapped out our lives. That I do not believe in. I think God simply watches us, mistakes and all, and lets us make up our own minds, and learn from our own mistakes. He has no plan; He is just watching and learning with us.

Then there is mythology, where they mention several Gods. I also believe in that, and think that when there was, or is our God, there were more then one, which is why He mentioned He wanted no other Gods before Him. As you can well enough see, my beliefs are strange. But I am sure that I am not alone.

I also believe that there is life on other planets. Perhaps each God chose and made a planet, and made a species of their own, to watch it evolve and grow. And now the species, including mankind, are visiting the other planets to see, and learn. And compliments of the movies that mankind makes, if an Alien were to come here, that Aliens chance of living to tell about it, are slim to none. And again, in all honesty, along with my beliefs, I believe there is an area 51, and we have already taken hostage and alien and dissected it.

Regarding the Egyptians and how they made pyramids, I think there is a possibly that the Egyptians were more evolved then we give them credit. If you read past Egyptian writings, and relics and different things about the bible, including the bible code book, computers were around before we even thought or imagined them. So if computers were in our past, long before we thought to invent them, obviously there were other technologies as well. A strange belief that I have, is that evolution, and our time span are doing a circle.

And repeating itself. I think there is a possible that the UFO's and visitors to our planet are not in fact visitors, but people time traveling from our past, and I think it could be the Egyptians. They are time traveling, implanting their seeds into people from the future and trying to keep the human race from killing itself off. (If there is in fact proof of human being impregnated when they have been abducted.) I think one reason, is perhaps when King Tut knew he was dying, perhaps he wanted an heir if you will, someone from his family history to go on. Maybe the relics will tell us this, maybe the relics and Egyptian drawings already have.

There is so much about our past, present and future that superiors keep secret, one would really never know the truth. And that is part of the problem. Maybe I have a huge imagination, and am bored. Maybe it is the truth, and there are people out there who just don't want us to know, because they "think" we can't handle the truth.

Anyway, this is some of the things I believe in, because I have an open mind, and am willing to go with the flow and grow with it. Technology and time, is for change. One must be willing to go and grow with it. And the mind is a terrible thing to waste, even if this is all my imagination, at least my imagination works!
Published by Deneale K. Williams

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