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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Finding My Roots & The Cleanse

 Finding My Roots & the Cleanse!

This was not published on Yahoo Voices nor was it never published on Associated Content.

Written by: Deneale K. McElhaney~Williams

Today I experienced my first Native American Ritual. Never have I been allowed to, or had anyone willing to share or teach me the ways of the Natives until now. And I am extremely grateful, as well as blessed.

I recently came in contact with an Apache (I probably spelled it wrong) named Dinella Morales (whose name almost sounds like mine) and who has had many life experiences similar to mine, that we get long like Sisters and call ourselves as such. 

This is not a cyber friend, but real life. And we both see things before they happen, dream see events, are loud, (but many Natives are!) we don't beat around the bush, and believe in complete and total honesty, and speak from the heart!

When we met, rather then speak we both just stared at one another. My husband stood there, afraid to speak. He thought something was wrong. Then we started laughing. Finally he asked: "What in the hell is going on?" And we told him. We didn't need to exchange words, we were already talking to one another. Since that very moment he hates being around us because we do it all of the time.

Anyway, my house currently smells of white sage, and I feel so much better then I did before. It was an enlightening experience, and she says that we need to do it again in a few days. I learned quite a lot, prayed, and spoke, walked through out my house, rinsed myself in blessed holy water and watched as two peacocks appeared from out of no where to stand outside of my open kitchen windows as we concluded the ceremony to stand with their heads held high and tail feathers expanded to show their approval. I knew right then God has extended his approval and blessings upon me, even before Dinella told me.

God has blessed me recently with two Native American friends, the one I didn't even know was, until I told her to check out my BullyVille report. 

Said friend, she came into my life before Dinella, as a screen name "Cat" is all I'm going to tell to you, because of issues I have on the net~but if ever you were to see my house and walls, I collect cats, Leopard prints, tigers, and Lions, not to mention I am of course a Leo the Lion Astrology sign. And the "cat" friend online, has been helping me, listening to me, and more w/said situation since we met, and even more so recently. It was Cat, that more~or~less guided me into my recent freedom. (for that Cat. I will always love you dearly and you will hold a special place in my heart forever, even if the problem does come back!)

My Bestie Cat

~ ~ ~

So I now think, I know what I am to do, and what God wants of me. I have seen the signs. And I accept. 

By the way, through a blood test, I have had the pleasure of knowing I am more than eighty percent Native American. That's all I'm gonna say....

~ ~ ~

1 comment:

  1. thank you for being my friend too. You mean more to me than you will ever know. In the words of my ancestors:
