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Thursday, July 10, 2014

War and Our Children...

This is my Son Devin

War and Our Children.....

When you raise your children, you don't raise them with the hopes that someday, they will go off and fight a war. You raise them hoping that they will grow up, further their education, and raise a family of their own.
A child is a piece of you, and the love of your life. You mold them, and cherish them, loving them every step of the way. You are there for them when they fall and go boom, you kiss the boo boo's and make it all better. You give them an aspirin for a head ache, and put a wet wash cloth on their fore head when they are sick and throwing up.

Every step you take, you hope that someday you may have a future congressman, President, or even a Doctor. You always want what's best for your children, and you especially want them to have better then what you had.

But to take your child, even though by law, their birth certificate proves that they are now an adult, and take them to a Military Branch, and watch as they deploy into full Military pursuit, where you know in advance, they will be going into war---

Tears your heart out.

Yes you love the Country in which you live, and you vote in every election. Yes, you Support the Troops, and have past family who has even been in the Military. But when it's your own flesh and blood----

You just want to scream and cry out, "Take me instead!"

There is a song, by Edwin Star-and it goes something like this: "War! What is it good for?! Absolutely nothin'!"


Why can't we just figure that out, say what we have to say and move on? Why must we play referee and join in, when other Countries have Battles. Isn't that like being nosey? Are we truly helping everyone else, or endangering ourselves? Does the Government really care, or are they just showing off?

My son is out there, in Afghanistan fighting for our freedom. Perhaps yours is as well, or even someone you know. When they could be over here in the United States of America, helping somewhere else, in their own Country. Helping hurricane victims, fire victims, building bridges, there is plenty that can be done here.

But instead, we are trying to help out other Countries, trying to stop the fighting, and whatever else- that I am sure we aren't even being told.

It tears me up inside, to know that our young, healthy people, are putting themselves in the line of fire, and for what?!?!

And don't tell me I have no right to say or write what I just did, because I do. It's called freedom of speech and of press. I am entitled to my opinion, even if YOU don't like it!
Published by Deneale K. Williams

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