You're Being Tracked!


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Insight: Think BEFORE You Speak or Write!

Think BEFORE You Speak or Write!

Believe it or Not, I Know We Were All Taught This a Long Time Ago!

                                                                                      Have you ever heard the phrase:
If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all?

I had those words preached to me as I was a child, as did my siblings. But it is not the way of the World today. Today, we believe that bad press is good press, and that the quote unquote people need to know. We have been taught freedom of speech, and right from wrong, but it doesn't seem to help. Instead, it causes us more damage, then anything-more often than not.

When there are people, who have nothing better to do, they can make or break you.

We've all been called names in School. From the simpler ones, to the nasty ones that we would rather not remember. And rather we want to admit it or not, we have all hurt someone else's feelings sometime in our life.

Adults let little children speak frankly. I am sure you have heard it, children see things, wrong or improper, and will say something, and even stare. So that is excused. But we are children no longer.....

It is when you are an adult, that the stunts of acting out, lashing out, and attacking others is just plain uncalled for, and harmful to others.

And on the internet it is more common then anywhere else, because you can be someone, anyone-and that can include anonymous. Behind that monitor, you are safe. You can name call, point at, slam on and make fun of- someone less fortunate, someone going without, whatever the case may be. Sometimes, and more often than not, you don't even need a reason. But you don't care, because there you sit, safe, at home, with nothing better to do.

Have you thought about whom it is you are effecting? Cause and effect. For every action, there is a reaction! You slam on a family photo, with children in it, and the teacher decides today, we will learn to surf the net, and types the child's name onto the screen. Low and behold results appear. And the teacher clicks.

Let's give this child the name of Lisa Smith, because both names are common. There are links of many, some of art work, some of myspace, you name it. And then the teacher clicks one, and low and behold it is the picture of Lisa, and someone cropped it and added to it, and then wrote a few choice comments.

Lisa Smith cowers in her chair, in shame. Everyone in the room laughs.

How do you feel now?

This is only one example. You can go on and on with other examples. The net is filled with porn, and people who sit there behind that screen for days on end, doing nothing but typing, sitting in a chat room socializing, posting a blog, you name it. Some even get paid for it.

I have written many articles on words, and how they are one of the most damaging things in the World. Words can make others cry, or feel worthless, and you don't know everything-like you might think you do. You don't know what that person is going through when you call them a name or tell them you hate them. Your words of hatred could be the icing on the cake, and make this person take their own life. Have you thought of that, before you spoke or wrote?

This world we live in, is not a simple one. And to have immature agitators and aggravators add to the daily problem, is totally uncalled for. You do not know the person you are degrading inside and out, trust me. Even if you live under their roof, there are things people keep to themselves. But there is only so much- a person can take.

It sickens me that the internet can and does allow people to join chat rooms, forums, write blogs and posts, and comments that are totally uncouth, and to use a phony identity. If you have something to say, by God-let people know who you really are. This way they understand why you are saying it. I mean, if you want your vengeance, then give yourself the credit! I mean why not? What are you hiding from? What are you shamed of? You have to gull to write or say something, but not the gull to give yourself the credit? Then allow me to say to you, and your friends and followers-yes you need mental help! And I will bet on it, you have more to be afraid of, and ashamed of then any one of us! Otherwise, you would have said what you had to say, and then signed your real name, and not the name of someone you hate, or pretend to be!

So attack me if you must, but look in your own mirror, in your own closet and back yard, before making corrections and digs on those of us that you think are far more inferior to you. Because that is where the problem starts-with the trouble maker, the wiseacre, the real person who has real problems and real issues that doesn't want to address them, or can't address them. If you need help, ask for it. But don't drag the rest of us down with you!

No matter what you call me, know this:

I am still better then you, I have more blessings in my life then most anyone, and I am proud of that of which I am, and that of which I became. My family loves me, God loves me, and I have things to show for whom and what I am, and who and what I have become. What do you have? (Other than issues.)
I thank you for reading, and continuing to read my work. You are helping me to generate an income, which is a good thing! So yes, you are helping me! I have every right to thank you! You may be safely hidden behind a phony name, but I am not. I am not in denial, as you say. I thank you for advertising my world, my web sight, and getting me more customers, some of which-are your own friends! You are doing a good thing, as you do your "bad" thing. How else do you think I am aware of you? None other, then your friends!

And before I stop, have you ever thought of this: maybe those friends aren't really your friends? Maybe they just watch you, comment with you, because they want to stay out of and off of your path of hatred of others? They too know, the real problem, is you.

Like the saying goes:

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
Thank you! :-)
Published by Deneale K. Williams

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