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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thought: The World We Live in Today.........

The World We Live in Today..................

Do You Make a Difference?!

The World we live in today, seems to be getting worse and worse as time goes on. And I fear for our future.....
In the days when my parents were children, (I am talking about in the fifties) you were only to show very little of your body. Their bathing suits were what we call shorts today. Two piece suits were far and few between, and still managed to cover a lot more then what our two pieces today do.
This alone, lets you see just how lenient or soft we are becoming. Or is it a lack of caring? It is something, that is for sure.

When my parents were children, (again in the fifties) they didn't dare speak back to their parents, let alone another elder. Because if they did-they were getting there mouth smacked, and smacked hard enough to make them think before they spoke the next time!

Today if we life a hand, or even think about it, the authorities are going to show up.

Quite some time ago, when we first moved to Florida, my in laws introduced my family to their family friend. She received a check every month. As we became closer friends, I found out that she couldn't read. So I decided to teach her, after all, I was taught that if you can give someone something to better them, you are also bettering yourself. And I just couldn't imagine what it would be like to be unable to read. It truly bothered me.

After a few weeks of teaching the woman, she begged me to stop. I was shocked. I asked her why, and she told me, and I quote: "If I learn to read, they will take my check away." She was almost in tears. I had drop jaw. After being silent and stunned for a bit, I told her all the benefits of reading, and she still said no. Then it hit me, what if you learn to read and don't tell them, no one will be none the wiser. And she still refused.

Are you as shocked as I was?

People today are a strange breed. Sometimes it shames me to even be thought of as a part of this day and age.

This is not the only person I have tried to help. Sometimes people take helping them, out of context. They think you are jealous if them, or that you yourself think you are better then them. I'm not kidding. I think if people would spend their time a little wiser, the World might start being a better place again- but then again-who knows.

We sit back and worry about what other people think of us, and we shouldn't. We try to impress one another; we walk on egg shells. We watch our P's and Q's, take things said one way- to mean another, and cause ourselves more harm then anything. Sometimes, it is the "thinking" part that is creating the problems.

Look I'm even doing it. I'm sitting here thinking as I write, and wondering how we can fix everything.

We humans are far from perfect. But we need not focus on one another, but focus on ourselves. Fix ourselves first. They say you cannot love someone, until you love yourself, perhaps it is the same with helping one another.

But we are out of control. We are nosy, mouthy, and we talk too much. We try to help those we shouldn't while those that we should, sit back in pain, and misery, because we made the wrong choice. And we need guidance- but yet we keep walking the wrong path.

My Aunt tells me often, that our life, the roads we take, the mistakes we made, are all ready pre-mapped out for us, before we are even born. Well, I have to admit, sometimes I wish I would've looked or turned and went the other way!!

I wrote an article earlier today about thinking before we speak. But I am sitting here now, reminiscing about my past. What rights I have done, the wrong road I have traveled, and what all I have learned. Yes, I am blessed. Yes, I am even thankful. But I can't help but wonder, could it have been better. You know, the shoulda- woulda- coulda scenario. Those what if's that we wonder about.

But here I am today, and as I look back- I remember all the lessons I have learned. People I have helped. My Aunt tells me, that when things go bad in the lives of those people that I have touched, they think of me. They think how good they had it, and how they screwed up. She always has a way with words. A way to make me smile, when I am feeling crappy. I often thank God for her too!
It is not a mistake that we are here, that you are reading my words. I am now a part of you, and you will tell others of me. My trials and tribulations are now being shared with others, and you are realizing-you too, have blessings to be thankful for!

It is never too late for us all to change. We just need the proper help, and guidance. We only have one life to live, so let's live it to the fullest, and live long and be happy! Thank you for being a part of my life! Thank you Lord, for blessing me, and loving me unconditionally! Now tell me, what will you do next??
Published by Deneale K. Williams

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