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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Movie Review: Fire House Dog

Movie Review: Fire House Dog

Rated PG

I have to share my insight on this movie, because I feel it is something a family, your family needs to see.
The famous dog Rex-"with a whole lot of extra X's." has been missing his girl friend, so he is kind of feeling down. But he has to perform, and his master cannot talk him into it. So his friend, a girl- talks to the dog, and talks him into doing the jump from a plane.

Obviously there is an accident, and the scene never gets made. The dogs master, thinks he is dead, they can only find his toupee, nothing else. But Rex, he is out and about wandering, and looking around.

Eventually he meets up with Shane played by Josh Hutcherson. Their first meeting gets Shane caught when he is skipping class. And the best part, he belches in the face of the kid! And it was a loud one, one to be truly proud of! Shane doesn't take the dog home just yet, instead he is taken back to the fire house, and reprimanded by his Dad. His Dad is played by Bruce Greenwood.

There is arson involved, giving Rex (now being called Dewey) and Shane something to solve. The father has suspicions about all of the recent fires. Shane and his father, lost there Uncle because of these past fires. The fire house is in risk of being shut down. And Shane, is taught family values, and to focus on School, not gaming, and misbehaving. The dog, helps him, believe it or not.

This was a very touching movie. I don't think I heard one cuss word, which is a rare thing in todays world! I was extremely impressed, and feel you need to gather your family together, and sit down and watch this movie. There are funny parts, and sad parts, and it all works extremely well together. This is truly a great movie, trust me- you wont be disappointed.

I give this movie a two thumbs up, and since my kids give it the same- we give it a whole lotta thumbs up!

This movie is 111 minutes long and made by 20th Century Fox.
Published by Deneale K. Williams

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