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Thursday, July 24, 2014

TRUTH: Have You Ever Played the "Last Word Game?"

Have You Ever Played "The Last Word Game?"

Put Your Responses in the Comments Section!

Have you ever had the last word? As children, you can most definitely say we have. But as adults do we still play "the last word game."? Think about this before you answer.
Your boss calls you a slacker. Now obviously since he is your boss, you aren't going to respond with "Bite me!" But behind his back, now that's a different story. This is the last word, even though your boss is unaware. Not to mention, what else you might not so obviously pull on your boss-later.
Now your spouse calls you a jerk. Your response, "Shut up!" Last word, until another response, of "Make me." and it goes on and on, a never ending cycle.
Believe it or not, this is domestic violence in most states, and it causes mental anguish. You are upsetting people, hurting peoples feelings, and as the "last word game" continues, more and more harsh things-usually end up said.

That is why you are often told to think, before you speak, and even act. If your best friend writes you a hate note, because she is mad at you, give it a day, before you respond. There are things you are missing from the picture. What made your friend mad at you, and who. Maybe it wasn't you, maybe it was. Like I often lecture, people assume more often than they should-creating more problems than there truly are. Maybe this best friend who is now mad at you, received a shut off notice of a utility, was fired from her job, tripped and fell, was in a car wreck-anything. There is always something in the big picture that we are always missing.

Today you get up on the wrong side of the bed, trip over the dog, step in a pile of poop, and then your car won't start-you're going to be late for work. Now you are saying to yourself, "I never should have gotten out of bed today." And then, finally the car starts, and off to work you go. Once at work, you get out of the car, and another person is in the parking lot, and they look at you. Notice I said look. "What are you looking at?!" Now tell me, was that really necessary? Now you have just spread your bad day, onto another person. And that person, is either going to call you a name to your face, "I haven't figured it out yet, Jerk!" thus getting the last word, and then there is of course a chance you are going to respond again, going with the "last word game!"

Go ahead and say this kind of action is not something you do, or even did. Lie to yourself. But trust me, you've done it, especially when you felt you were absolutely in the right! We all have.
My advise to everyone- is still to stop with the assuming, and then- think before you speak or act. Start practicing this. Maybe we can all learn from our past mistakes and put a stop to our looking like nut jobs! LOL
Published by Deneale K. Williams

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