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Monday, August 4, 2014

A Few Quick & Easy Remedies for Personal Stress & More!

 A Few Quick & Easy Remedies for Personal Stress & More!
Did you know there are other things you can do and take for ailments and injuries, stress, and lack of sleep? I'm sure you have heard of "Old Wives Tales" and even herbal remedies right? 
Lets start off with something simple: to prevent getting sick, you could be taking vitamins, or those new products that are on the market now like "airborne" and things like this, they are supposed to help build up your immune system.

Another good thing you need to think about before ever making changes is

FIRST: Consult your Doctor and tell him or her; what you are considering doing

SECOND: Change your eating habits and get excercise, unless of course you are already doing these things.

Now then, to prepare ourselves: for something like when someone in your house brings home a cold or illness, immediately start taking Vitamin C and consider even getting a can of "Lysol." Even a bottle or two of "Germ-X" in the bathrooms will help. This way you aren't just washing your hands, you are completely removing ninety nine percent of all germs!

If you are stressed, and if you have ever heard of the prescription "Valium" then you will recognize its herbal namesake "Valerian Root." This is used for anxiety, stress, and to help you relax. It is best to take one or two before bed. With tension, anxiety and stress, St. John's Wort helps with all of these.

To sleep, there is an herb called "Melatonin." However, do not get too dependant on it, if you do, your own body will quit producing Melatonin on its own. This too, should be taken a half hour before bed time, and can be combined with other herbs such as Valerian root, for the cause and effect.

A quick and easy cure for ringworm, is apply clear nail polish to the effected area, let dry. If in a few days, traces of the polish are still there, wash it off, or even chip it off. If you had a bad case of ring worm, this may take more than one treatment, depending on how bad it really is. Ring worms also come in many different sizes.

For yeast infections, which are usually caused due to being on antibiotics- yogurt is a good cure. It tastes good, and somehow levels the yeast levels in your system. However, when getting the over the counter cures, you do not have to spend top dollar, the store brand names work just as well, as the name brand products.

For abdominal pains, peppermint leaves are good. And studies have shown that ginger can help prevent motion sickness. On a more personal note, I have found that the bracelets they sell at the pharmacy for motion sickness do help a wee bit, least wise for me. It is said that it pinches a nerve, or something along this nature, to alleviate the symptoms.

A good herb for acid reflux, or the acidy feeling in your tummy, is acidopholis. Sometimes, depending on just how bad you are feeling, you can take several.

There are many other kinds of cures and things you can learn when studying and taking herbs, and natural remedies, and advise from "the old wives tales." It doesn't always hurt to try it, either. I was always told- "Don't knock it, 'til you've tried it!"

SPECIAL NOTE!= Nothing I have said here is guaranteed to help you. Medical treatment or advise is suggested, especially in more major of the cases, especially with depression, stress, and anxiety. Also I would suggest not going through those items alone, find you someone that you can talk to, holding things in only makes situations worse!

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