Feed the Needy! You Can Help! 
So many times, you see these advertisements on TV, and in
magazines about starving Children. Yet you never hear tell of them
telling you there are people here in the United States, Children and
Adults, starving too.
They naturally assume that these people, in our
United States, will get help. But they don't always. And believe it or
not, there are agencies that will only help people limited times.

The electric was next to loose, and this was after my husbands' accident at work. Food pantries, welfare agencies, friends and family- we had exhausted them all. Yes there are places to turn too, but not quite as many as there need to be, and I do understand- they have to put limitations, or people will abuse this privilege.
So when you see or hear the ad about starving people overseas, know that it is in your own Country too. Not just overseas, not in any place specifically- but that it happens everywhere! And then, if you have the ability- donate to the needy shelters, and food pantries, and community action teams, churches, and even to the people overseas. There are a lot of people out here that need you.
There are a lot of people there- that need you, too! And sometimes even, there are people out there, that don't even ask, or receive help, and just die quietly and in shame. So again- the next time you feel sorry for one, feel sorry for the many- not just one! And don't forget, and assume the person, or that the people are lazy too. Just because a person is in a predicament, doesn't mean they want to be, chose to be.
There can be so many reasons, trust me, and sometimes-there may even be a list of reasons. None of us are perfect. And everyone needs someone- sometime. And for those of you with needs, it is nothing to be ashamed of.
Some counties offer 211 services for help, Brevard County Florida does. If not, try 411, and see if they can lead you in right the direction, if you want to get involved. And if you don't want to make a phone call, there are even places that you can drop off food too, nothing elaborate. And lately, least wise in my town, the Post Masters get involved, and have food drives. Watch for the postal flyer.
These events are more frequently noticed during the Holiday Seasons, but people with needs, happen all year long, every day. Sure the Holidays are the perfect time to give, and it is the main time we think of it. Anyday is just as good as the next to help people. There are millions of homeless people every where, there are people starving, and than there's you. What can you do to help? We the people of the World, thank you!
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