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Monday, August 4, 2014

Shuttle Launch Experience at Kennedy Space Center!

 Shuttle Launch Experience at Kennedy Space Center!
At the end of May 2007, my family and I experienced something "out of this World!" We went on the NEW Shuttle Launch Experience at Kennedy Space Center in Merritt Island, Florida. I can't say enough, but let me start with-WOW!
This ride begins with standing outside awaiting entry onto the ride, and before you get to do anything, they explain everything to you. This is quite informative, and let me tell you, make sure you watch each and every screen, you might miss something! The ride is explained to you before you even get on, and you can consider yourself educated. Things you didn't know, are now part of your knowledge base. The floor vibrates; you even have the smoke from take off. Again, even this experience was awesome!
Then you get to stand outside and line up for your shuttle simulated ride. There are four shuttle simulators. These shuttle simulators seat 44 persons, and quite nicely I might add. Once you are inside, again they explain everything to you. You buckle up, and let the fun begin!

You will go step by step through the experience of a shuttle launch just like all the astronauts. They even do the countdown, you have your main engines ignite, and then the solid rocket boosters ignite. As we are lifting off, we are being pushed back into our seats; we are now leaving the launch pad. There are several stages you get to go through, to which before hand, and during, your shuttle launch instructor, on video has already explained the scenarios. You have main engine cut off and the external tank separation. They open the pay load doors, and low and behold there is Earth from space. Again, let me say-WOW! Who ever would've guessed, a person of my age, would get to fly in space?
This ride is not scary, will not make you sick, and if you have medical conditions, you have nothing to fear. This is very educational, and a wonderful experience for one and all. Everyone in my family loved it, and can't wait to go again!

When you are through with this awesome ride that you will talk about for months on end; as you exit the ride, you are going to go through a spiral like walk way, which has photos of Space Shuttle Mission Plaques, one for each of the 100 missions. In the center of it, you are viewing Earth from Space just like an astronaut. It too, is quite memorable.

The best part, is this ride doesn't cost extra when going to Kennedy Space Center, this is included in your ticket price.

So if ever you head to Florida, and want to experience something "out of this World!" Be sure to go to Kennedy Space Center, there is so much to do there, and so much to learn. They have a lot more to offer, then this experience, although this is there newest attraction, and one of there best! This place even has bus tours, everything there is handicapped accessible, and even if you need a wheel chair or strollers, one can be provided for you. Also an added bonus, they can pet sit, if you brought your pet with you, when you came to visit! Now tell me, how special is this?

I give the Shuttle Launch experience two thumbs up, and more if I could! I will definitely frequent this when time allows!

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