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Monday, August 4, 2014

Interview: Associated Content Producer: Pure Writing

 Interview: Associated Content Producer: Pure Writing
I found "Pure Writing"  (this is his 'pen name'.) one day, when I was bored, and wanted to see what other people were writing about. I read a lot of his articles, and found them original and worth subscribing too. Then I noticed he was willing to be interviewed, and I thought that was perfect because, I needed insight about A.C. as I am, of course new here. 
So we decided to do the interview process over the phone, on July 26th 2007, after 8pm. So allow me to begin:

Q. Who or what led you to Associated Content?
A. Firstly, I started with Helium. The money with them was not good, and someone, and I can't remember who at this time, but they told me to give A.C. a try, that they paid out, and much more then Helium. So here is where I came, and I have been here since!

Q. What do you like about A.C.?
A. The money, although it doesn't seem like a lot, it is gas money, money for my books for School, whatever.

Q. How long have you been a member?
A. Since February 10, 2007

Q. What advice can you offer other members here at A.C.?
A. Don't write just for money. If you have good material, you'll get paid. Write because you want to be heard! Writing here, often- you will find your niche, we all have them!

Q. Do you really see money from A.C.?
A. Yes, I mean when you first start, like you, it's not a whole lot, but eventually-it will be. People will read what you have to say, they aren't going to always leave a comment, but they are going to read. Just like you did.

Q. Why don't you use your real name?
A. (He chuckled) Later, I will reveal my real name. Maybe in a year, or less, I don't know. I am shy!

Q. Do you know what is a good topic, or seller for articles?
A. Personally, I think that they like it when you write about those small, and personal places, like in your own hometown-those neighborhood restaurants, and stores- things like that, they really like to hear about things like that.

Q. What do you like writing about?
A. My life experiences, things that happen through out the day. Things that are on my mind, things like that.

Q. Did you ever think that you would actually make money with A.C.?
A. Honestly, I know there are a lot of scams out there. But, no-I honestly didn't think I would be making money from my writings. I'm glad I am, I enjoy it!

My interview with Pure Writing made me feel better about Associated Content. You see, I was led here by my sister, Amy Lynn. And as you can tell, I haven't been here long. When I seen that Pure Writing could be interviewed, I thought this would give me another person's opinion, not just my little sisters.

Don't get me wrong, I value my sisters' opinion, but we come from a family that writes a lot, so I obviously know she is talented! I hope you understand. It is nice to know, and hear from others. And it is even more awesome, that we have a place, like Associated Content, that gives us the fame and fortune that we all need. It isn't too often that you get a positive place like this, it's not a scam, and it is here to help us improve and become someone that others listen to!

Thank you very much, Pure Writing for taking the time to let me interview you, and learn from you. I found this interview a wonderful learning experience, and I hope that others read this, so they too can know-we are all wanted here on A.C. and that we are all glad to be a part of Associated Content!

And thank you, to Associated Content, for making a place for all of us, that have something to say, and need someone to listen!

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