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Monday, August 4, 2014

Interview: with a Prison Guard

Interview: with a Prison Guard
Beings that I am in the Criminal Justice Field, I decided to do an interview with someone in that field, someone who gets to deal with the everyday criminal on a daily basis.
  My interview is with a Prison Guard who wishes to remain anonymous, for his own protection. He was a very friendly, and very informative person. I think everyone should benefit from what all I learned today.

Q. How long have you been a prison guard?
A. For a little over 3 years.

Q. Did you go to School to become a prison guard?
A. No, but they did give me training. And with that training came diplomas, and credentials. It was like an academy, and it was a lot of learning and training, and it does help.

Q. What do or did you like about your job?
A. The respect. The inmates will test you, see what you are capable of- and you have to show them that you aren't going to put up with it. After that, they will respect you. Don't get me wrong, it isn't a friendship- never is it a friendship. You have to understand, you are changing their lives, you are trying to make and guide them into being better people. The respect, you also get from the other guards too.

Q. What didn't you like about your job?
A. You worry about getting hurt, after all- they are dangerous criminals. They might put a hit out on you, and even if they do, and word will get out- your supervisor will move you to another area. And although they do put a hit out on you, still- they can respect you.

Q. Have you ever been hurt by an inmate?
A. Never! I block them when they try to get a hold of my shirt, sometimes I might have to push them to make them move, but never have I been hurt.

Q. Have you ever made friends with an inmate?
A. (Loud and sternly) No way! You have to fake like you are cool with them, like you trust them, but you don't. Never underestimate them.

Q. Are you furthering your education?
A. Yes, I am going to School. I am pre-med.

Q. Have you worked for more than one institution?
A. Yes, the private ones are always better.

Q. What would you advice people that pen pal with Prisoners?
A. They are con artists. They want you for money. Be careful, they can get you to believe anything.

Q. Have you learned anything from your job, out of the ordinary?
A. I can con people too. It is true what they say, you go in innocent, if you truly are- such as myself- a prison guard. I was innocent. I learned from them, how to con people. I can make anyone believe anything, just like them!

Q. What do you think of prison food?
A. (Laughing) It's not exactly something you crave, trust me. Once I had seen a few unwanted items in their food. I was sure glad that I didn't have to eat it!

Q. Any advice for the people that aren't criminals yet?
A. Just sit there and think, "What would I do, if I was locked up?" If you really think about it, it isn't a pretty picture; it isn't something you will want for yourself, or for anyone. Trust me; you don't to end up there.

And this concluded my interview with the Prison Guard. I found him quite helpful and informative. He was very open and honest, and he brought a lot of insight into a job, that a lot of people are fearful of.
As I read this, to you the reader, this probably seems dull and boring. But to me, I found it insightful. This job, as I stated before, deals with the everyday common criminal. It is meant for a person that is strong both physically and mentally.

To this prison guard, I thank you for taking the time out, to let me interview you. I wish you safety and happiness in all your life's ventures.

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