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Monday, August 4, 2014

Product Review: Maxoderm Male Enhancement Formula

Product Review: Male Enhancement Formula
I used to work for a telemarketing firm, and they sold Barmensen Products. 
From time to time, they would give you samples, so that you could try it, and say that you experienced the product for yourself, and what you thought of it. 
Now I don't know if you know, but most of Barmensen's products are sexual enhancement products. And I am going to share my input with you, on Maxoderm, one of there top selling products.

Maxoderm is a crème, and you are supposed to apply it directly to the source. This product is not intended to be ingested. It is a topical solution, a natural herb blend of vasotran auctum. You use a quarter size of the ingredient, and put it in your palm, and apply it. After you apply it, and then wait a bit, and then you can have sexual intercourse. It is supposed to, with continued use, increase your erection size. When applied, it is supposed to help you with your performance, increasing your sensation, and firmness.

As you may well enough know, I am a woman. So I experimented on my husband, who fortunately-doesn't have any sexual problems, yet anyway. When I asked him to try it, he rolled his eyes and couldn't believe that I wanted to. But I wanted to KNOW what it was I was selling. I didn't want to lie to my customers, even though, knowing full well-if I had had a bad experience, they would have made me lie anyway!

The product was not too sticky, or smelly either. We applied it, and we used it for many days. The only thing I did seem to notice, was that his erection was lasting longer, and that he was not ejaculating as quickly as he used to be. As far as bigger, thicker, or anything like that-I think his size stayed the same.

What does my husband think? He thinks it was just luck of the draw, and it had nothing to do with the Maxoderm. So we quit using it.

My husband did not have any side effects, and it did not bother me either. It didn't irritate either one of us. So what do we think? I wouldn't spend the money on this product. I am glad we were able to try it for free, rather than spend the money.

However, I do want to tell you this. Every person is different. It might work for you! You never know until you try it. I don't give this product a thumbs down, because it didn't cause us any problems. I just say, it didn't work for us. So don't decide because of us.

I am extremely glad that it did not cause us any infections, though, or irritations. There are a lot of products out there, which can effect, infect and irritate both men and women, depending. Always be cautious when buying sexual enhancement products. I do think, maybe because it is all natural, maybe that is why it didn't irritate.

So go ahead, and give it a try. Let others know what you thought. People need to be honest about products when they try them, rather than lie like commercials do.

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