You're Being Tracked!


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Poem: I Don't Know...

I don't know.....
  I don't like the things you've done to me,

I don't like what you've said....

I don't like what you turned out to be-

And I don't like what I've read!

You've always an excuse to give,

It is never your fault....

No matter how hard I try to live;

You teach me what I don't want taught!

I don't know where it all went array,

I don't know how to make it right.....

But I'm too old for the games you play;

And I'm no longer part of this fight!

Here we go again, trying to correct everything,

Turn a wrong into a right-

But it's really hard to do anything....

When all we do is fight!

You take credit for everything,

You lie to my face-go behind my back-

Say things that mean something and nothing...

And have the gull to make a wise crack!

You think that I am stupid,

I know that you do!

Because if you didn't,

You'd know these words were to you!

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