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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Lefties Can Crochet too!

Lefties Can Crochet Too!
Did you know that as a left handed person, you need things taught to you differently? We do. And that is why I want to bring this to your attention, if you are left handed person, I can offer you some advice. 
Firstly, when I was younger, my parents and teachers ALL tried to force right handed-ness on me. I was told I was using the wrong hand. However, I don't know if that is why I cut with scissors with my right or not.

I have an advantage, being forced to be right handed I can now write with both hands, it is probably the reason I can use scissors with my right. I do prefer my left for writing, though.

Now in order to learn to crochet, I had to watch my Mother, whom was right handed, from the back. In other words, I sat on the floor, and viewed her crochet the way she does, and see it the way it would be for me. Mind you, yes I have seen my crochet, next to that of a right handed person. The stitches are the same; I just use my other hand. So my advice to those that are left handed and want to learn to crochet, and the only people you can find to teach you- is righties- do it this way. Sit on your butt, on the floor and watch them crochet. The teacher, needs to speak and explain what they are doing. Chain one, chain two, double crochet, single crochet, etc. They also need to explain it like this: take the hook, grab one, throw away two, grab one, throw away two. Making it make sense to you, the learner, as it is being learned and taught.

The same goes for stitching needle work, and plastic canvas. Simply use your left hand, and watch with the right handed person. If you watch, and specifically listen, you will comprehend it eventually.
Anything the right handed person can do, so can the left handed person. It just takes more time in teaching, and listening. It takes a person that has the patience. It also takes the lefty, being patient as well. It isn't going to be easy, and you have to want it.

Crocheting is a good stress reliever; least wise it is for me. You may find it is for you as well. Except when you have to do a lot of counting, if you distract easily. Stay focused, and practice.
Also, I would like to tell you, YOUR stitches as a beginner, will look nothing like someone who has been crocheting for years. In the beginning you will be loose, as you practice; you will get tighter, and better at what you are doing. Just because it looks sloppy, or tacky doesn't mean- have a fit and throw it down. It means you are learning, go with the flow. Consider your first project a learning experience. Trust me on this, your stitches will look loose, or they may be too tight-and you will, I promise get better. Talk to anyone that crochets, ask them to show you there beginning work- if they still have it- it will look very different from what they do now! Have patience, that is the key, and be willing to learn and make mistakes.

They say, being left handed means we are in the right frame of mind. I'm sure you have heard that theory. And the right side, is creativity. If you already draw, doodle, and paint, and other things artistic, than you will get this. And you will be good at it! I know it!

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