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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Remembering the Blue Hole

Remembering the Blue Hole:

My family tried to take family vacations and outings every so often. Basically, we learned what our very own state had to offer. Once in a while, we would step outside of our borders, but not very often. Our parents liked and tried to make everything educational. Or so it seemed.

One of my favorites, was 'the Blue Hole' in Castilia Ohio. It was amazing, and educational. The water was freezing cold and very blue. It was a spring coming from the under ground, and the water would never get warm and heat up. It would always be cold. There was no end in sight, and they claimed divers had investigated it, and never found the end. You could see clearly, fish, sea life, everything. It was beautiful. They did find a spring coming in, from underground, they said it came from the Connecticut area, or so they thought.

They had a gift shop, a place to see how and where, and even why, and that explained the breeding of fish, and hatcheries. It was amazing. Even the gift shop had some very unique items. Even as a child, I was fascinated. 

I ask every year if we could go back. Some time later, we had heard that it had closed down. I was upset and couldn't understand why. My Dad explained to me that it was privately owned, he heard it wasn't bringing in much business anymore. I was astounded, because I thought everyone would want to see and know, and that they would be just as fascinated as I was. But apparently not. 

The owners sold it. My heart broke. I cried. I felt sorry for the fish, I worried that people would destroy the land, and come in and investigate and ruin the beauty and water, and cold spring that God and Nature had put there for a reason. 

To this day, I don't know what has become of 'the Blue Hole' in Castilia Ohio. I just hope that whomever bought it, has not destroyed it, and left it as God and nature has intended it to be.

Here are a few photos I found for your viewing pleasure:

See how you see into the water clearly?

Here is a brief description

This tells you about 'the Blue Hole' as it was. It was an amazing place. If you have ever been there, then I'm sure you understand. If you haven't, than I apologize. You have missed something extremely memorable and beautiful that will stay with you forever.

To those who own 'the Blue Hole' now. Please be good to her. She is beautiful. I beg of you. You own a piece of heaven now. 


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I Thought About You Today! A Poem

Thought About You Today

       A Poem

By Deneale K Williams

I thought about you today.

I didn't mean to though....

I wish there was a way to say:

Or some way to let you know.

But I know you don't want found--

You chose to leave me behind...

I wish we could turn this around;

Instead I'm writing this dumb rhyme.

I'm just so soft when it comes to friends;

I will give away my heart every time---

And then it takes forever when it mends;

And I get stuck with the dime.

I'm sorry for catching you in a lie,

I guess I did overreact like a fool!

I should've ask why--

When I could've been more cool. 

You see, I've been hurt before--

And I don't understand why....

Rather than tell me more....

You just kept feeding me lies!

I thought about you today....

I remembered what you were like,

All the lies you told to make me sway;

Truly that's not what friends are like.

Next time I think of you--

I'll remember what you put me through. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Poem for My New Friend: Tina Mann

A Poem for My New Found Friend:
                 Tina Mann         

Written by: Deneale K. McElhaney Williams

I'm glad I met you, 
I'm glad our paths crossed.

I remember never knowing you.
Then I even remember hating you.

Now I think of you often
And when I do....

A big smile comes across my face every time.

I wanted you to know. 
I wanted you to remember,
You are a great friend
That I'll never return to sender!

It's hard to believe I ever hated you,
It's hard to believe we just met!
But you make me smile through and through;
And to everyone else- I'll just bet!!!

So I wanted to write a little poem for you,
And let others know you're truly great;
Because now I'm glad to have met you:
And I want others to know you're great! 

Thank you for being my new found friend:

Tina Mann! 

We All Make Mistakes! A Poem

We All Make Mistakes
              Taking From Them - 
                           What Do "We" Learn
              A Poem 

We all make mistakes...

Notta one of us is everything we expect--

That's why we give what it takes;

Until it's something we can accept.

We have goals we wanna meet,

Stories we always tell--

Paths we take in the street;

Ways to avoid going to hell.

Nothing is gonna turn out right,

Until we fess up and admit our mistakes--

Putting our goals back in our sights;

And start giving all that it takes!

Stop hurting others we've wronged along our path,

Telling lies, spreading gossip, all that was wrong---

No matter the reasons you did it in your past;

It's time to make up for it and be strong!

Everyone makes their fair share of mistakes,

Everyone has done something very wrong---

Someone has to give whatever it takes!

Someone has to be the one that is strong!

Head held up high, 

Voice strong and firm...

All you did was try;

Now it's their turn to learn. 

Written by Deneale K. McElhaney Williams

Thursday, November 20, 2014

In Memory of Twister Tornado a Wonderful Miniature Chinese Crested!

Written in Memory of Twister Tornado

Written by Deneale K. Williams 
A Minarure Chinese Crested that was called to Heaven much too early & I think of daily.

Laying in the darkness;

Listening to you breathe.....

Cuddling together;

Never wanting to leave.


Once night turns to day,

Outside we go....

To Frolick and play!

You will always be missed and lived Twister, always know I cry for you every night.

Love, Mommy.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Secret Code Behind A-113!

Have you ever seen this?

Ok...... So what about this?

Note the number....

Again.... Note the train number.....

The license plate. 

So far these were Disney Movies.....

This is the Simpsons. NOT a Disney Movie, but still using A-113. 

Caption, on the screen shows you "room A-113."

Not Disney, American Dad. Plate number A-113.

Now are you even slightly curious as to why?

Hint number one:

And then the entire answer:

Now you know the secret behind A-113! Please share with your friends, because learning something new everyday, is a good thing! 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

No One is Safe!

 No One is Safe!

With so many things wrong in the World today, economy, diseases, so much stress, people have; the internet seems to be something of an easier way of which of a useful resources for homework and to search and find things.

Later down the road, the internet becomes a place for dating, making friends and socializing, even job searching. 

In the meantime, the World is still having problems, wars, and the economy is still not getting any better. Including the fact that people are losing their jobs, and the unemployment rate is climbing….

People are dying in said wars, Children are dying, from Child birth, Children are being aborted, birth defects, drugs are being sold, crime rates are climbing along with the unemployment rate, and lives are being lost all around. Death is everywhere.

But that doesn’t stop us from getting on the internet, posting about our days, and writing blogs, and so on and so forth. So much sadness, people in pain, some happy, some searching for loved ones, some asking for prayers, some lost, some in need, people helping one another, people making friends; and of course, people even making enemies.

The real World always finds a way in, and finds a way to let in the hate, the Crime, and the grey matter. Sin will always find its way in; the Devil will always find an open door, no matter how hard we try to keep him out.

It could be you, it could be me, it doesn’t matter, it just happens. Negativity will always find a way in, and it will always find a way to take others down with it. And there will always be the followers who go along, and create more hate with it. 

They have a group of friends who like to imitate and do the same nasty things that they do, and blow up on someone they don’t know. Someone they have no clue who they even are, someone they could care-less about, while they sit safely behind their monitor and feel like a big person, proud of themselves as they belittle someone else.

Aren’t there more important things to do? Do these people have such small lives that they have nothing better to do, that they put up fake photos, and details as to whom they really are, and seriously. Does that kind of mental immaturity make them feel better about themselves in the long run? Notably, I’ll bet my bottom dollar, that these people are criminals. Also, that they have more than enough to hide from. 

What sickens me the most is when adults go after Children to bully online, as well as go after them as pedophiles, and pretend that they are younger than what they really are. These people cause harm and hatred and ruin lives without another thought.

All these people give the internet a bad name, sickening really. Something that was designed to help us is eventually causing people more harm than good, and now walls are being put up all around, and everyone is more cautious than anything.

What is wrong with the World today? What is with all the hate? So much better could be used with their time….

People could be curing Cancer, finding missing Children, writing Novels, teaching one another, learning another language, or running for office. But no, instead they are getting online and creating drama, and causing harm to people they have never met. What does that say for these people? 

These very same people who create phony documents, and pretend people are doing things to them while they are in fact “not” as those people they are in fact “blaming” are sitting at home “baby sitting” or “watching TV”  as they send phony documents to Police stations to “set someone up for a “bogus internet facilitated crime!”  

Yes, it happens, there are “Phone applications” designed to disguise phone numbers, send fake texts, and what not, all from a computer screen, and the Police Departments believe, and arrest. You are guilty, until proven innocent. Not innocent until proven guilty. The Justice System is a lie. 

The Government is a lie, just like politics. I mean after all, if we can sit on a computer and set one another up for crimes, as little people, just imagine what the Government can do to us. Think about it.

So long as there are computers and internet, no one is safe. I repeat, no one.