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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Poem: I Will Listen & Protect You My Child!

I Will Listen & Protect You My Child!

I listen to you when you cry,

I even listen when you lie. 

You think that I don't care, 

So these words with you I share. 

I have always listened and heard, 

Each and every single word.

I might not respond like you think I should, 

Or exactly like you thought I would. 

Sometimes you will never know, 

The action that I show. 

When your words are said to me, 

It is the pain you speak I see. 

So when you think I do nothing, 

Know I have done something. 

I just don't want you to see, 

How much it also hurts me! 

I take time to react, think and do- 

And take care of those that hurt you. 

You aren't meant to see how I get it done, 

You are only meant to know that we won! 

You are a part of me my child, 

And although you may seem wild.... 

I will always protect you, love you, and want you. 

Yes I care, yes I want to help, so I do! 

I am your parent- that's what my job is! 

Product Review: Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse

 Product Review: Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse 
I am not usually a person who does mouth wash. I prefer to brush my teeth, and tongue and be done with it. 
But recently, I had a bad tooth ache, and was away from home. It was getting so bad, that it was swelling up on my face, and everyone noticed. My speech had became impaired and I was about fed up, when my own daughter handed me this "Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse." 

I was skeptical, but read the bottle, and it said on it that it whitens teeth, and kills the germs that cause bad breath. Well, along with this infection, was bad breath and bad taste, so I gave it a try. 

You can tell when you try it that it has peroxide in it. I held it in my mouth for well over a minute. I swished, and then tilted my head so it would keep the bad teeth immersed, as I waited. And mind you, the feeling was intense. 

That night, the pain let up some. Don't get me wrong, it was no miracle cure, it just let up enough to let me sleep, which was a plus. 

So I decided to do it after every meal, (provided I could eat it) and before bed, and when I awoke. I often found myself doing it, when the pain would start to intensify too. 

Within a few days, the bad breath smell had vanished, and so had the pain. Say what you want, but this was the only thing I was doing! I honestly believe that it "killed" the infection, and made me loads better. 

Yes, I know that I still need to see a dentist and have the teeth removed, but for now-I am doing loads better, and I know it's this Listerine! My mouth feels better, smells better, and even looks better! 

And the other day, my son was beginning to get a sore throat, and I made him gargle with it several times through out the day, and the sore throat was gone by evening! 

This product works, and I will continue to keep it around. I am not saying it is a miracle cure, but it did the job this time! I was impressed, and like I said- I am not a mouth wash person. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Poem: I Don't Know...

I don't know.....
  I don't like the things you've done to me,

I don't like what you've said....

I don't like what you turned out to be-

And I don't like what I've read!

You've always an excuse to give,

It is never your fault....

No matter how hard I try to live;

You teach me what I don't want taught!

I don't know where it all went array,

I don't know how to make it right.....

But I'm too old for the games you play;

And I'm no longer part of this fight!

Here we go again, trying to correct everything,

Turn a wrong into a right-

But it's really hard to do anything....

When all we do is fight!

You take credit for everything,

You lie to my face-go behind my back-

Say things that mean something and nothing...

And have the gull to make a wise crack!

You think that I am stupid,

I know that you do!

Because if you didn't,

You'd know these words were to you!

Lefties Can Crochet too!

Lefties Can Crochet Too!
Did you know that as a left handed person, you need things taught to you differently? We do. And that is why I want to bring this to your attention, if you are left handed person, I can offer you some advice. 
Firstly, when I was younger, my parents and teachers ALL tried to force right handed-ness on me. I was told I was using the wrong hand. However, I don't know if that is why I cut with scissors with my right or not.

I have an advantage, being forced to be right handed I can now write with both hands, it is probably the reason I can use scissors with my right. I do prefer my left for writing, though.

Now in order to learn to crochet, I had to watch my Mother, whom was right handed, from the back. In other words, I sat on the floor, and viewed her crochet the way she does, and see it the way it would be for me. Mind you, yes I have seen my crochet, next to that of a right handed person. The stitches are the same; I just use my other hand. So my advice to those that are left handed and want to learn to crochet, and the only people you can find to teach you- is righties- do it this way. Sit on your butt, on the floor and watch them crochet. The teacher, needs to speak and explain what they are doing. Chain one, chain two, double crochet, single crochet, etc. They also need to explain it like this: take the hook, grab one, throw away two, grab one, throw away two. Making it make sense to you, the learner, as it is being learned and taught.

The same goes for stitching needle work, and plastic canvas. Simply use your left hand, and watch with the right handed person. If you watch, and specifically listen, you will comprehend it eventually.
Anything the right handed person can do, so can the left handed person. It just takes more time in teaching, and listening. It takes a person that has the patience. It also takes the lefty, being patient as well. It isn't going to be easy, and you have to want it.

Crocheting is a good stress reliever; least wise it is for me. You may find it is for you as well. Except when you have to do a lot of counting, if you distract easily. Stay focused, and practice.
Also, I would like to tell you, YOUR stitches as a beginner, will look nothing like someone who has been crocheting for years. In the beginning you will be loose, as you practice; you will get tighter, and better at what you are doing. Just because it looks sloppy, or tacky doesn't mean- have a fit and throw it down. It means you are learning, go with the flow. Consider your first project a learning experience. Trust me on this, your stitches will look loose, or they may be too tight-and you will, I promise get better. Talk to anyone that crochets, ask them to show you there beginning work- if they still have it- it will look very different from what they do now! Have patience, that is the key, and be willing to learn and make mistakes.

They say, being left handed means we are in the right frame of mind. I'm sure you have heard that theory. And the right side, is creativity. If you already draw, doodle, and paint, and other things artistic, than you will get this. And you will be good at it! I know it!

Insight: Real Arcade & Game Pass!

 Insight: Real Arcade & Game Pass!
Originally Published on Yahoo Voices in 2007

(To my understanding now 2014 Game Pass in now different)
I wanted to share something I have had for many years now. You might have heard of it, whenever I tell people about it, they usually don't believe me. So I figure if I put it in print, stating it as fact- then there is a chance, and it can benefit others. 
You see, I have been a "Real Arcade Game-Pass Member" for many of years now. When I first joined it was $6.95 a month, giving you one free game a month. I know what you're thinking; you are really paying for the game. Maybe, but there is an advantage. 

You see, "Real Arcade" keeps all your information stored, under your desired password. If you crash your computer, or even get another, you can re-download your games again, and again, and again! There is a link to each free game you have gotten, and the other games that you bought, at a discounted rate because you were a member. 

Now there rates have went up to, I believe it's $7.95, some where around there, don't quote me on that. Basically, it's almost $8 now, but remember the big picture. They are storing everything you download, no need to burn it to CD, hoping it won't get scratched! 

And they have some really good games, too. And you can even play for real money online. I like the variety in games, there are tons. I like the fact that I don't have to save everything they do it for me.
And another advantage, they didn't used to do this: roll over. If I forget to redeem my month free, the credit now stays. I have never had more than two credits waiting for me, because eventually I remember to cash it in. I didn't know they started it, until several months ago. But I can tell you, I was one of the ones who completed their survey, about what we wanted, and I wanted our credits to roll over, it's not really easy to remember to cash them in! I also asked them to email me a reminder that my credit was available, or expiring, and they were doing that for me too! 

So give them a chance, they give you a free game to start with, and it really is awesome. You will have to download the "Real Arcade" game package first, then your free game. Everything will stay within the "Real Arcade" game system, on your computer. It can also read your drive for various games that you already have, and give you tips to those games. It is referred to as a game guide. And always let your game guide, and the "Real Arcade" Network update itself. I do think, you may have to permit the firewall to allow this all to happen. 

I love my "Real Arcade" and if you love games, you will too! A few games off the top of my head are: Zuma, Bejeweled, Diamond Mine, Chains, and many, many more. There are even word games, card games, and board games! How can you ever think you lived without it before? Trust me, give it a try. What do you have to loose? The first month is free! 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Review: Craft Store: A.C. Moore

 Review: Craft Store: A.C. Moore
I can't resist telling you about my favorite craft store. And as an avid crafter, you need to find one, which has good prices, and the employees, give customer service. And that is what I found, with A.C. Moore. 
The location that I frequent is in Viera, Florida. It is within "The Avenue" and their products are organized neatly, the store is always clean, they always place descent music, and the employees are helpful. I have seen and been to a lot of craft stores, and like I said, this one is rated number one with me. 

When the product is out of stock, it doesn't take months on end for it to come in. Which is good, a lot of stores take forever to reorder new products. This store has a lot to offer, and I go from one craft to another, because I like to have variety. They have everything you could ever want, to sketch pads, yarns, (of all types) rubber stamps, beads, flowers, books on crafting, you name it. And they even offer classes! 

I ask the one cashier about A.C. Moore, and to my surprise, she was full of all kinds of knowledge. She told me that the company came into existence in 1985, and that they originated in New Jersey. She said the founder was Pat & Jack Parker, along with another person- named Bill Kaplan. I ask her if they make you learn all of this, and she only laughed. She also told me that they could send me Newsletters VIA email, all I had to do was sign up with her, and I did. Now I get to know when the sales are, receive coupons and more right into my email box! 

The prices in this store, are descent, not too high. I have found many other stores to be much higher, and not to have sales like A.C. Moore. This place is the place to go, they truly are out to keep the crafty person happy, and coming back! They won me over! 

Go online and find out if there's an A.C. Moore near you! If you buy things to make crafts with, this is where you need to go! 

A Few Area Highlights in Akron Ohio

 A Few Area Highlights in Akron, Ohio
Akron Ohio was founded in 1825. It was at one time famous for being the Rubber Capitol of the World. It was named this because it once manufactured tires, by Firestone, and Goodyear.
  Akron is also famous for its Soap Box Derby, where children make box cars and race them down a hill. This is located behind the Rubber Bowl, where the local High Schools have their football games. The field is now owned by the University of Akron, Akron Zips.
The city is also famous for its Blimp hanger, where blimps are housed and made. Many years ago in the 80's one of the Presidents made a speech from there, and the public was allowed in, and myself and my family were there. Currently there is a blimp named "The Spirit of Akron" or "Spirit" for short.

Another famous land mark in Akron is the Quaker Oats building where Quaker originally made and manufactured the famous oats. Today it is a hotel, and a landmark, saving and viewing old mill pieces, train pieces and things regarding the factory and the stages of the making, and the advertising of the oats.

Akron also has a newly designed baseball diamond in the Downtown area; it was made for the Akron Aero's an Affiliate of the Cleveland Indians.
There is also a nice walk path in Akron, and Canal Park with rubber walk paths, made of recycled rubber tires, in honor of the rubber capitol title.

Another great attraction for children is the Akron Skate Park, created by the Akron Parks and Recreation. You can skateboard, roller skate, inline skate, and even watch.

There is a very famous attraction called "The Old Stone School." Where students are brought on a field trip with their grade school classes to view the way children learned in the "old days." There are the old desks, the individual chalk boards, and the old coal heater, and a teacher who is dressed like the old time, which shows you exactly how it was done, how you didn't use paper, and how learning was done. It has been a tourist attraction for years, and most any person who has ever been enrolled in Akron Public Schools and surrounding areas, have went their on a field trip as a child.
There is the famous "Y" bridge, abducted in 1985, connecting downtown Akron to West Akron. The ever famous Garfield Band, from Garfield High School marched across that bridge, in a parade to abduct that bridge, and announce its opening, where the mayor explained the purpose in the bridge. Underlying the bridge is another section of Akron, much lower to the ground. I have enclosed a picture with this, you can see the 2 levels, and why the bridge was made. I was a part of the opening event of this bridge, as I was in the Garfield Band!
Y-Bridge 1985, Akron, Ohio photo 1985-Y-Bridge.jpg
Akron is also famous for a sculpture made out of a huge red oak tree. It was sculpted by Peter Toth in 1985. It is in front of Fairlawn Elementary, and is a sculpture of an Indian, named Rotaynah. This was sculpted to commemorate Akron's native heritage.

Akron, is where the famous Akron Beacon Journal is published. You can view this newspaper online at It was founded by John S. Knight. To honor him, there is the famous John S. Knight convention center, located in downtown.

Akron is also famous for the National Inventors Hall of fame, which opened in 1995. It is the 3rd most popular hall of fame in America in 1995, with 290,000 visitors. It houses inventions and commemorates the inventors for what they have, and will invent even in the future.

Akron, is also where I was born, raised and lived until 1998 when I moved away.

Shuttle Launch Experience at Kennedy Space Center!

 Shuttle Launch Experience at Kennedy Space Center!
At the end of May 2007, my family and I experienced something "out of this World!" We went on the NEW Shuttle Launch Experience at Kennedy Space Center in Merritt Island, Florida. I can't say enough, but let me start with-WOW!
This ride begins with standing outside awaiting entry onto the ride, and before you get to do anything, they explain everything to you. This is quite informative, and let me tell you, make sure you watch each and every screen, you might miss something! The ride is explained to you before you even get on, and you can consider yourself educated. Things you didn't know, are now part of your knowledge base. The floor vibrates; you even have the smoke from take off. Again, even this experience was awesome!
Then you get to stand outside and line up for your shuttle simulated ride. There are four shuttle simulators. These shuttle simulators seat 44 persons, and quite nicely I might add. Once you are inside, again they explain everything to you. You buckle up, and let the fun begin!

You will go step by step through the experience of a shuttle launch just like all the astronauts. They even do the countdown, you have your main engines ignite, and then the solid rocket boosters ignite. As we are lifting off, we are being pushed back into our seats; we are now leaving the launch pad. There are several stages you get to go through, to which before hand, and during, your shuttle launch instructor, on video has already explained the scenarios. You have main engine cut off and the external tank separation. They open the pay load doors, and low and behold there is Earth from space. Again, let me say-WOW! Who ever would've guessed, a person of my age, would get to fly in space?
This ride is not scary, will not make you sick, and if you have medical conditions, you have nothing to fear. This is very educational, and a wonderful experience for one and all. Everyone in my family loved it, and can't wait to go again!

When you are through with this awesome ride that you will talk about for months on end; as you exit the ride, you are going to go through a spiral like walk way, which has photos of Space Shuttle Mission Plaques, one for each of the 100 missions. In the center of it, you are viewing Earth from Space just like an astronaut. It too, is quite memorable.

The best part, is this ride doesn't cost extra when going to Kennedy Space Center, this is included in your ticket price.

So if ever you head to Florida, and want to experience something "out of this World!" Be sure to go to Kennedy Space Center, there is so much to do there, and so much to learn. They have a lot more to offer, then this experience, although this is there newest attraction, and one of there best! This place even has bus tours, everything there is handicapped accessible, and even if you need a wheel chair or strollers, one can be provided for you. Also an added bonus, they can pet sit, if you brought your pet with you, when you came to visit! Now tell me, how special is this?

I give the Shuttle Launch experience two thumbs up, and more if I could! I will definitely frequent this when time allows!

Feed the Needy! You can Help!

Feed the Needy! You Can Help!
So many times, you see these advertisements on TV, and in magazines about starving Children. Yet you never hear tell of them telling you there are people here in the United States, Children and Adults, starving too. 
They naturally assume that these people, in our United States, will get help. But they don't always. And believe it or not, there are agencies that will only help people limited times.
I know- my family and I had been there. That is how we ended up without electricity. You have to choose which is more important to you, and loose things, in order to keep other things. We didn't want to loose the roof over our heads, we wanted to eat- we had already lost the phone and internet provider.
The electric was next to loose, and this was after my husbands' accident at work. Food pantries, welfare agencies, friends and family- we had exhausted them all. Yes there are places to turn too, but not quite as many as there need to be, and I do understand- they have to put limitations, or people will abuse this privilege.

So when you see or hear the ad about starving people overseas, know that it is in your own Country too. Not just overseas, not in any place specifically- but that it happens everywhere! And then, if you have the ability- donate to the needy shelters, and food pantries, and community action teams, churches, and even to the people overseas. There are a lot of people out here that need you.

There are a lot of people there- that need you, too! And sometimes even, there are people out there, that don't even ask, or receive help, and just die quietly and in shame. So again- the next time you feel sorry for one, feel sorry for the many- not just one! And don't forget, and assume the person, or that the people are lazy too. Just because a person is in a predicament, doesn't mean they want to be, chose to be.

There can be so many reasons, trust me, and sometimes-there may even be a list of reasons. None of us are perfect. And everyone needs someone- sometime. And for those of you with needs, it is nothing to be ashamed of.

Some counties offer 211 services for help, Brevard County Florida does. If not, try 411, and see if they can lead you in right the direction, if you want to get involved. And if you don't want to make a phone call, there are even places that you can drop off food too, nothing elaborate. And lately, least wise in my town, the Post Masters get involved, and have food drives. Watch for the postal flyer.

These events are more frequently noticed during the Holiday Seasons, but people with needs, happen all year long, every day. Sure the Holidays are the perfect time to give, and it is the main time we think of it. Anyday is just as good as the next to help people. There are millions of homeless people every where, there are people starving, and than there's you. What can you do to help? We the people of the World, thank you!

Tourist Attraction: the Gateway Arch!

 Tourist Attraction: the Gateway Arch!
My family and I visited one of the United States wonderful land marks. We went to the St. Louis, Missouri and seen the famous Gateway Arch! After all, this is a piece of our History! And it was a very memorable experience, to say the least! 
When you enter, you are entering under ground; this is called the Visitors Center! And much to our surprise you can truly get inside this stainless steel structure and go to the top!

The compartments you get into are very small and cramped, so if you are claustrophobic, than this is definitely not for you. Also if you have a fear of heights, the top may also not be a wise place for you to go.

Once in the top, (the observation room) you can take photos, and see out, to which we did. The view is amazing! The Arch itself makes a shadow on the ground, and you are quite high up! It is 630 feet high! The view below is of the Mississippi River, river boats, trains, and roadway.

And yes, it costs to go, but it is well worth it. They educate you about it, while you are there! You learn there was a contest for who would design it and Eero Saarinen won the competition in 1947.

The day we went, that evening they did a special event lighting the Arch with pink lights, in showing their support for Breast Cancer Awareness! They simply laid pink clear covers over the lights, it was quite beautiful.

The only days this Gateway Arch is shut, is on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years! Their hours vary depending on what Season it is, and they do and can take reservations too. The tickets for the tram, which is the ride up, for adults age seventeen and up are $10.
This is the Arch PINK Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness!

Youth ages 13-16 are $6 and children are $3. I think that is truly rather reasonable. Especially with all the information they teach you, they want you to know and remember their land mark, which is truly wonderful. They have a gift shop, and the prices for souvenirs aren't as costly as you would think!

This land mark, is considered a National Park. It has benches by the lake, And it is a beautiful view too, I might add. There are ducks in the water, and friendly squirrels in the park. It is kept clean, too!
There are even theatre's inside, and these do cost as well. The tickets are $7 for adults, youth ages 13-16 $4 and children $2.50. There are two theatres and they are wheel chair accessible. They can even supply you with wheel chairs, if you need one and didn't bring it with you.

The film they show is called: "Monument to the Dream." Which is by Charles Guggenheim, this show is in the Tucker theatre daily. This is a documentary on the construction of the Arch. And again, this educates you too, on this historic land mark, further!

We took a lot of photos, and we were extremely glad we stopped by. It's not every day you get to tell people you seen a famous historic land mark. This is both educational and entertaining. If ever you go to St. Louis, I would suggest dropping by.

Review: American Cab Company

Review: American Cab Company
When you are vacationing here locally, taking in the sites, and visiting friends and family, sometimes you may have the need to travel with a taxi cab. I have seen and researched my fair share, I mean "fare" share of cab companies. And trust me; there are a lot of them around here. 
The one I wish to focus on, which really caught my eye, is American Cab. The name American in itself said something to me, because it is of course- American. As an American, I like to support American's.
There colors are red white and blue, and there vehicles are clean and shinny. I noticed that they have vans, (of various sizes) and cars. I witnessed them hauling around groups of people, to and fro, and of course individuals as well. Rarely did I see there vehicles sitting still. So once I finally caught one, I decided to get their rate information, to find that they are in fact- one of the lowest priced companies around.


That was enough for me, so in order to get more detail, I decided to ask the owner how long they have been around. He informed me since 2003, they have been serving Brevard County, Florida proudly. They have, of course 24 hour dispatched service, and can get you to point A to point B, for a reasonable rate, and in a reasonable time frame. Reservations can be made, in advance too.

It is always best, with any cab company to call and order your cab, at least a half hour in advance, depending how soon you want to get to your destination. Always give yourself time to spare, for traffic, weather, and anything else- just to play it safe. It is also suggested to tip your driver, it is not a requirement, but it is how the drivers fill their gas tanks, with their own tip money. Cab driving is not one of the richest professions, so please reconsider when you are paying your fare to the exact dime. In order to drive a cab, the driver must pay a fee to the company, and do a split with the monies earned. The fee to the cab company, is for car repairs and maintenance.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/taxi13n-1-web.jpg
With this company, I found the dispatcher easy to understand, and they repeated everything back to me, to make sure that they had everything right. Within 20 minutes my cab arrived. The driver was quiet, the radio wasn't blaring, and the vehicle was clean inside and out. The driver answered any questions I had, about nice places to eat, with his suggestions, and places to hang out. This is much needed and desired in the tourism business. A person wants and needs input, and if the driver can give it, than this is a big advantage!

Some have told me that cab drivers drive extremely slow, trying to get more out of the meter. I didn't find that to be at all, fact. This driver drove the speed limit, and even opened the door for me to get in and exit, when I was to my destination. I thought that kind of service went out years ago! I was quite pleased, and give this company, a two thumbs up.

Tourist Attraction: Balboa Park in San Diego

 Tourist Attraction: Balboa Park in San Diego
I once visited, and long to return to, one of the best FREE parks around! Within this park, there is SO much to see and do, you would not believe. So I am going to tell you, so that you too, can go and see what you think!
The park is in San Diego, California. It is called Balboa Park. The acreage it covers is 1,200. And trust me; they have put so much into it, it could keep you busy all day!

For starters, as you walk through the park, the people are friendly! There is often people sitting and talking, reading, and then sometimes there are even peddlers, playing their musical instruments, awaiting a little tip for their serenade. The grass is green, the flowers are blooming, and the air smells so clean!
In one area, there is a fountain, (some call it a pool). It spews water from little holes, which you are allowed to run through. Now on a hot summer day, this is quite refreshing.

Both kids and adults enjoy this, to watch, and to play in. There are also other fountains through out, that are for viewing pleasure. This is the only fountain that you are permitted to play in!

They have declared this park as a National Historic Landmark. And when and if you go, you will see why.

There is an outdoor style auditorium; this is called Spreckles Organ Pavilion, with a big pipe organ. This is the World's largest pipe organ! Sometimes there is a man playing it, and it sounds so beautiful, and you can hear it for miles! There is of course a simple roofing over the organ to protect it, but the seating is outdoors, and it is worth the serenade.
On the main walk path, named El Prado, the buildings that line it- are simply beautiful. I was told this is to be considered a Spanish style décor. The buildings are museums, such as the Museum of Man. Then there is a railroad museum called San Diego model Railroad Museum, and then there is the San Diego Museum of Art. There is a science center, named Rueben H. Fleet. Everything is so interesting, and wonderful, and even educational!

There are also many scenic floral gardens, my favorite was the Japanese Friendship Garden, and there are of course many more. They have all kinds of flowers, and there are so many- that all year long there is something blooming!

There is also theatre- Old Globe Theatre. It is an imitation, or replica of the Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. Inside there are a collection of International Cottages, which are all quite exquisite.
There are also restaurants within this walk park, and also the San Diego Zoo is a part of this; however the Zoo, does cost money. The park is managed by San Diego parks and Recreation, and of course the city of San Diego itself.

As you walk through out this park, it is as peaceful as can be. You feel romantic, and safe. People are smiling, friendly, and the whole time- everything is memorable. You will want to return time and time again.

The upkeep of this park is always clean; you see people walking through out, bagging and picking up trash, seeing to it, it is kept in tip top shape. Mind you, yes there are trash receptacles through out, it's just sometimes- debris escapes the litter bins, or people miss-if you will.
On a rare occasion, there are police men on bikes and on foot, walking through out, also smiling. This park has a lot to offer, and you really need to check it out. You will be talking about it, for months, trust me. And there are many photos to be taken while you are there, everything is just THAT beautiful and exquisite!

Interview: Associated Content Producer: Pure Writing

 Interview: Associated Content Producer: Pure Writing
I found "Pure Writing"  (this is his 'pen name'.) one day, when I was bored, and wanted to see what other people were writing about. I read a lot of his articles, and found them original and worth subscribing too. Then I noticed he was willing to be interviewed, and I thought that was perfect because, I needed insight about A.C. as I am, of course new here. 
So we decided to do the interview process over the phone, on July 26th 2007, after 8pm. So allow me to begin:

Q. Who or what led you to Associated Content?
A. Firstly, I started with Helium. The money with them was not good, and someone, and I can't remember who at this time, but they told me to give A.C. a try, that they paid out, and much more then Helium. So here is where I came, and I have been here since!

Q. What do you like about A.C.?
A. The money, although it doesn't seem like a lot, it is gas money, money for my books for School, whatever.

Q. How long have you been a member?
A. Since February 10, 2007

Q. What advice can you offer other members here at A.C.?
A. Don't write just for money. If you have good material, you'll get paid. Write because you want to be heard! Writing here, often- you will find your niche, we all have them!

Q. Do you really see money from A.C.?
A. Yes, I mean when you first start, like you, it's not a whole lot, but eventually-it will be. People will read what you have to say, they aren't going to always leave a comment, but they are going to read. Just like you did.

Q. Why don't you use your real name?
A. (He chuckled) Later, I will reveal my real name. Maybe in a year, or less, I don't know. I am shy!

Q. Do you know what is a good topic, or seller for articles?
A. Personally, I think that they like it when you write about those small, and personal places, like in your own hometown-those neighborhood restaurants, and stores- things like that, they really like to hear about things like that.

Q. What do you like writing about?
A. My life experiences, things that happen through out the day. Things that are on my mind, things like that.

Q. Did you ever think that you would actually make money with A.C.?
A. Honestly, I know there are a lot of scams out there. But, no-I honestly didn't think I would be making money from my writings. I'm glad I am, I enjoy it!

My interview with Pure Writing made me feel better about Associated Content. You see, I was led here by my sister, Amy Lynn. And as you can tell, I haven't been here long. When I seen that Pure Writing could be interviewed, I thought this would give me another person's opinion, not just my little sisters.

Don't get me wrong, I value my sisters' opinion, but we come from a family that writes a lot, so I obviously know she is talented! I hope you understand. It is nice to know, and hear from others. And it is even more awesome, that we have a place, like Associated Content, that gives us the fame and fortune that we all need. It isn't too often that you get a positive place like this, it's not a scam, and it is here to help us improve and become someone that others listen to!

Thank you very much, Pure Writing for taking the time to let me interview you, and learn from you. I found this interview a wonderful learning experience, and I hope that others read this, so they too can know-we are all wanted here on A.C. and that we are all glad to be a part of Associated Content!

And thank you, to Associated Content, for making a place for all of us, that have something to say, and need someone to listen!

Interview: with a Prison Guard

Interview: with a Prison Guard
Beings that I am in the Criminal Justice Field, I decided to do an interview with someone in that field, someone who gets to deal with the everyday criminal on a daily basis.
  My interview is with a Prison Guard who wishes to remain anonymous, for his own protection. He was a very friendly, and very informative person. I think everyone should benefit from what all I learned today.

Q. How long have you been a prison guard?
A. For a little over 3 years.

Q. Did you go to School to become a prison guard?
A. No, but they did give me training. And with that training came diplomas, and credentials. It was like an academy, and it was a lot of learning and training, and it does help.

Q. What do or did you like about your job?
A. The respect. The inmates will test you, see what you are capable of- and you have to show them that you aren't going to put up with it. After that, they will respect you. Don't get me wrong, it isn't a friendship- never is it a friendship. You have to understand, you are changing their lives, you are trying to make and guide them into being better people. The respect, you also get from the other guards too.

Q. What didn't you like about your job?
A. You worry about getting hurt, after all- they are dangerous criminals. They might put a hit out on you, and even if they do, and word will get out- your supervisor will move you to another area. And although they do put a hit out on you, still- they can respect you.

Q. Have you ever been hurt by an inmate?
A. Never! I block them when they try to get a hold of my shirt, sometimes I might have to push them to make them move, but never have I been hurt.

Q. Have you ever made friends with an inmate?
A. (Loud and sternly) No way! You have to fake like you are cool with them, like you trust them, but you don't. Never underestimate them.

Q. Are you furthering your education?
A. Yes, I am going to School. I am pre-med.

Q. Have you worked for more than one institution?
A. Yes, the private ones are always better.

Q. What would you advice people that pen pal with Prisoners?
A. They are con artists. They want you for money. Be careful, they can get you to believe anything.

Q. Have you learned anything from your job, out of the ordinary?
A. I can con people too. It is true what they say, you go in innocent, if you truly are- such as myself- a prison guard. I was innocent. I learned from them, how to con people. I can make anyone believe anything, just like them!

Q. What do you think of prison food?
A. (Laughing) It's not exactly something you crave, trust me. Once I had seen a few unwanted items in their food. I was sure glad that I didn't have to eat it!

Q. Any advice for the people that aren't criminals yet?
A. Just sit there and think, "What would I do, if I was locked up?" If you really think about it, it isn't a pretty picture; it isn't something you will want for yourself, or for anyone. Trust me; you don't to end up there.

And this concluded my interview with the Prison Guard. I found him quite helpful and informative. He was very open and honest, and he brought a lot of insight into a job, that a lot of people are fearful of.
As I read this, to you the reader, this probably seems dull and boring. But to me, I found it insightful. This job, as I stated before, deals with the everyday common criminal. It is meant for a person that is strong both physically and mentally.

To this prison guard, I thank you for taking the time out, to let me interview you. I wish you safety and happiness in all your life's ventures.

Product Review: Maxoderm Male Enhancement Formula

Product Review: Male Enhancement Formula
I used to work for a telemarketing firm, and they sold Barmensen Products. 
From time to time, they would give you samples, so that you could try it, and say that you experienced the product for yourself, and what you thought of it. 
Now I don't know if you know, but most of Barmensen's products are sexual enhancement products. And I am going to share my input with you, on Maxoderm, one of there top selling products.

Maxoderm is a crème, and you are supposed to apply it directly to the source. This product is not intended to be ingested. It is a topical solution, a natural herb blend of vasotran auctum. You use a quarter size of the ingredient, and put it in your palm, and apply it. After you apply it, and then wait a bit, and then you can have sexual intercourse. It is supposed to, with continued use, increase your erection size. When applied, it is supposed to help you with your performance, increasing your sensation, and firmness.

As you may well enough know, I am a woman. So I experimented on my husband, who fortunately-doesn't have any sexual problems, yet anyway. When I asked him to try it, he rolled his eyes and couldn't believe that I wanted to. But I wanted to KNOW what it was I was selling. I didn't want to lie to my customers, even though, knowing full well-if I had had a bad experience, they would have made me lie anyway!

The product was not too sticky, or smelly either. We applied it, and we used it for many days. The only thing I did seem to notice, was that his erection was lasting longer, and that he was not ejaculating as quickly as he used to be. As far as bigger, thicker, or anything like that-I think his size stayed the same.

What does my husband think? He thinks it was just luck of the draw, and it had nothing to do with the Maxoderm. So we quit using it.

My husband did not have any side effects, and it did not bother me either. It didn't irritate either one of us. So what do we think? I wouldn't spend the money on this product. I am glad we were able to try it for free, rather than spend the money.

However, I do want to tell you this. Every person is different. It might work for you! You never know until you try it. I don't give this product a thumbs down, because it didn't cause us any problems. I just say, it didn't work for us. So don't decide because of us.

I am extremely glad that it did not cause us any infections, though, or irritations. There are a lot of products out there, which can effect, infect and irritate both men and women, depending. Always be cautious when buying sexual enhancement products. I do think, maybe because it is all natural, maybe that is why it didn't irritate.

So go ahead, and give it a try. Let others know what you thought. People need to be honest about products when they try them, rather than lie like commercials do.