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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Poem: A Child

Tiny fingers wrapped around mine,

Eyes the color of a cloud-

Love from the very first sign;

It's times that this that make you proud.

Cries so sad- it makes you sad,

Rocking in your arms singing a song-

Smiles so pretty it makes you glad;

Knowing all of this is far from wrong.

This child of yours you love so much,

Give it your love from head to toe-

Loving it more with each gentle touch;

Admiring every minute as you watch it grow!

Thank the Lord for this wonderful gift,

Counting fingers and toes next to your lips-

Taking every moment, not going adrift;

Bouncing your child upon your hips!

This is your gift to the World in which we live,

Something to love, guide and mold-

Sharing this with the World with all that you give;

This is by heavens a true piece of gold!
Published by Deneale K. Williams

Movie Review: Fire House Dog

Movie Review: Fire House Dog

Rated PG

I have to share my insight on this movie, because I feel it is something a family, your family needs to see.
The famous dog Rex-"with a whole lot of extra X's." has been missing his girl friend, so he is kind of feeling down. But he has to perform, and his master cannot talk him into it. So his friend, a girl- talks to the dog, and talks him into doing the jump from a plane.

Obviously there is an accident, and the scene never gets made. The dogs master, thinks he is dead, they can only find his toupee, nothing else. But Rex, he is out and about wandering, and looking around.

Eventually he meets up with Shane played by Josh Hutcherson. Their first meeting gets Shane caught when he is skipping class. And the best part, he belches in the face of the kid! And it was a loud one, one to be truly proud of! Shane doesn't take the dog home just yet, instead he is taken back to the fire house, and reprimanded by his Dad. His Dad is played by Bruce Greenwood.

There is arson involved, giving Rex (now being called Dewey) and Shane something to solve. The father has suspicions about all of the recent fires. Shane and his father, lost there Uncle because of these past fires. The fire house is in risk of being shut down. And Shane, is taught family values, and to focus on School, not gaming, and misbehaving. The dog, helps him, believe it or not.

This was a very touching movie. I don't think I heard one cuss word, which is a rare thing in todays world! I was extremely impressed, and feel you need to gather your family together, and sit down and watch this movie. There are funny parts, and sad parts, and it all works extremely well together. This is truly a great movie, trust me- you wont be disappointed.

I give this movie a two thumbs up, and since my kids give it the same- we give it a whole lotta thumbs up!

This movie is 111 minutes long and made by 20th Century Fox.
Published by Deneale K. Williams

Thursday, July 24, 2014

TRUTH: Have You Ever Played the "Last Word Game?"

Have You Ever Played "The Last Word Game?"

Put Your Responses in the Comments Section!

Have you ever had the last word? As children, you can most definitely say we have. But as adults do we still play "the last word game."? Think about this before you answer.
Your boss calls you a slacker. Now obviously since he is your boss, you aren't going to respond with "Bite me!" But behind his back, now that's a different story. This is the last word, even though your boss is unaware. Not to mention, what else you might not so obviously pull on your boss-later.
Now your spouse calls you a jerk. Your response, "Shut up!" Last word, until another response, of "Make me." and it goes on and on, a never ending cycle.
Believe it or not, this is domestic violence in most states, and it causes mental anguish. You are upsetting people, hurting peoples feelings, and as the "last word game" continues, more and more harsh things-usually end up said.

That is why you are often told to think, before you speak, and even act. If your best friend writes you a hate note, because she is mad at you, give it a day, before you respond. There are things you are missing from the picture. What made your friend mad at you, and who. Maybe it wasn't you, maybe it was. Like I often lecture, people assume more often than they should-creating more problems than there truly are. Maybe this best friend who is now mad at you, received a shut off notice of a utility, was fired from her job, tripped and fell, was in a car wreck-anything. There is always something in the big picture that we are always missing.

Today you get up on the wrong side of the bed, trip over the dog, step in a pile of poop, and then your car won't start-you're going to be late for work. Now you are saying to yourself, "I never should have gotten out of bed today." And then, finally the car starts, and off to work you go. Once at work, you get out of the car, and another person is in the parking lot, and they look at you. Notice I said look. "What are you looking at?!" Now tell me, was that really necessary? Now you have just spread your bad day, onto another person. And that person, is either going to call you a name to your face, "I haven't figured it out yet, Jerk!" thus getting the last word, and then there is of course a chance you are going to respond again, going with the "last word game!"

Go ahead and say this kind of action is not something you do, or even did. Lie to yourself. But trust me, you've done it, especially when you felt you were absolutely in the right! We all have.
My advise to everyone- is still to stop with the assuming, and then- think before you speak or act. Start practicing this. Maybe we can all learn from our past mistakes and put a stop to our looking like nut jobs! LOL
Published by Deneale K. Williams

Review: Connection! Sexual Enhancement Product!

Sexual Enhancement Product Review: Connection!

Barmensen has a lot of sexual enhancement products, and thankfully they are decently priced. Where I work we get to try samples of their products, which helps in making us aware, and more able to talk about their products.
This time, I was able try their product called " Connection!" This product is for women, however men can use it too, if they so desire. This product is a cream, just like Maxoderm. It can be applied, and used as a lubricant, if you so desire. It awakens your sexual organs, and awakens your desires!

I think this product is quite helpful. It is not as wet and silky as KY, but more creamy, and it stays in place. You use a quarter size on your fingers, and gently apply it to your source, and gently rub it in. You can have sexual intercourse directly after applying, it shouldn't cause irritation to either partner. It isn't meant to be ingested, however it doesn't smell or taste bad, when accidentally put against your lips and mouth.

Sexual enhancement products are far and few between, and people also don't like to talk about them. Barmensen, who sells these products, is an excellent supplier, and they have descent prices, customer service experts, and they are there to help you. Barmensen has telemarketing agencies handle an abundance of their calls. Let it be known, that when you call to order, you are not necessarily speaking to someone who has tried it.

This product is very helpful, enhancing my desire, and making the orgasm quicker to come by. I truly enjoyed and encourage you the consumer to try this product. You won't be disappointed. It is made in the USA, and it can be purchased online, or by calling Barmensen labs, and on an occasion you can find the product at CVS.

Mind you, at CVS the products are hidden and hard to find, they are with the lubricants and condoms, but they are quite often out of the products. That in itself should tell you, these items are much needed and sell. Don't be afraid to admit you need help, because even if you don't-applying it makes you feel good! Think about it!
Published by Deneale K. Williams

Review: XTS: Sexual Enhancement Product Review

Sexual Enhancement Product Review: XTS

When you are trying sexual enhancement products, there are always other things that you can do and use to go along with, and help you out. As you know, I know all about Barmensen products, first hand. So I conduct my own research, and share with you, my honest opinion, and Barmensen isn't paying me to tell you truth or lies! This is my complete and total honesty!
So if you know of Maxoderm and Connection, they offer a side sale of XTS. This is a spray. Thats right, a spray. An all natural made in America spray. You spray it on your source, both men and women. It plain and simply opens the pours to your skin, making the application of Maxoderm, and or Connection, to go right in and work even faster than applying it alone.

Does this product work? Well, let me tell you this: try to keep the product warm before applying it. Maybe soak it in a cup of warm water, so that when you spray it on, you aren't sending your body into shock! If you have an air conditioned cold house, the product is going to be cold, that is why I personally advise the warming up scenario first. What you do, is up to you.

Now yes, you can feel something happening, waking up, and then you apply the cream- and wow, there it is. You are ready and raring to go, and I would advise that you both use it. It is a nice supplement to work with your other products.

And as with all of Barmensens products, this can be added onto any order, and is only nineteen ninety nine a bottle. And of course, they offer specials whereas you can get extras for free. Barmensen wants your sexual health, happy and healthy. After all, if you aren't having good sex, than you aren't happy!
So if you call, or log onto Barmensen labs online, be sure to add on your own bottle of XTS spray, and give it a try. You only live once, what have you got to loose? Go ahead, don't be shy!
Published by Deneale K. Williams

Review: Vivaxa: Sexual Enhancement Product

Sexual Ehancement Product Review: Vivaxa

As you know, Barmensen sells sexual enhancement products. Viviaxa is a product a lot like Maxoderm, only this is supposed to be little bit better. This product is supposed to increase your stamina, (which is staying power) and the timing, with sexual intercourse. They claim you are going to see and feel a difference within the first minute.
You simply apply a quarter size amount of cream, into your hand, and rub it in. I advise waiting a bit, allowing it to absorb. It is not ingestible, it is external only. As the cream absorbs, and you start having sex, you are supposed to last longer than usual. This is supposed to be more reliable than Maxoderm. They are not the same product. This product is supposed to help you with your confidence, and focus on the mood. But this product works different for every person.

As with Maxoderm, this product did nothing for my husband and I. It didn't smell bad, we didn't have any irritation, and it was fun to use. I don't think it helped us out in anyway, but as I have told you with my Maxoderm review, my husband doesn't need help. He and I are very sexual active, and have five kids to prove it! LOL

This product may be excellent for you, I wouldn't snub it, because Barmensen does know what they are doing. There main focus is on fixing peoples sexual problems, that is exactly how and why Barmensen came to exist. Barmensen will not make or sell a product that does not work for more than eighty percent of people.
Go ahead and give it a try. What have you got to loose? Have your special person apply it, that will make it more entertaining and make the experience in itself more pleasurable. Let yourself relax and enjoy sex, don't sit there thinking about how long you are going to last, enjoy yourself and pleasure your partner!

If you stop thinking and start acting, it "should" be better in the long run anyway. Focus, it is going to last longer, you know it. Say it, before hand, over and over again. You are the king of sex, and everyone is going to be jealous of you. Go on, get away from the computer, and get busy!
Published by Deneale K. Williams

My Beliefs & Thoughts About God & the Past Or Present?!

My Beliefs & Thoughts About God & the Past

Or Present?!

God is a very sensitive and touchy subject, so when speaking aloud of Him, one must be careful how things are worded. On paper it is a little easier.
I am writing about God today because, for one, yes I believe in Him. For two, I am having a problem with those who don't, and want to rearrange our lives and make us remove it from our currency and pledge. I see no reason they just can't ignore it, as they have done in the past. We as humans have believed in God, more then we have not believed, because the non belief didn't come into play until much later.

Don't get me wrong, I do question the bible from time to time, because yes, it does contradict itself in more then one instance. But in all realization, if it is man writing down what God is saying, then of course it will contradict itself-for one-think about this. We, as mankind are not perfect! For two, have you yourself ever written or typed something, and one of your kids come up to you, and asks you a question.

You type, as you're writing, "not now, I'm busy, give me a minute." So let's say Moses is writing what God told him to write, and then his wife asks him something. Let's say they even discussed her question. Then he goes back to writing, it and "what is it God said? Oh yeah, something about bread...what was it?"

I am one of the few who believe evolution and in God, most don't believe in both. But I do, and let me tell you why. The Dinosaurs and the cave men, were Adam and Eve. It is one in the same, in my eyes anyway. The creatures they ate and lived upon were dinosaurs. And the ice age, was perhaps when the flooding took place, because after all, of course we are going to have a flood, after the ice melts. Think about this.

The past is always something that interests me. History, including the bible, because someone had the decency to write it, so we knew it happened. When I was a kid in School, it bored me, until I finally had a teacher that knew how to teach it, to intrigue you. The past of mankind, whether it be biblical or not, is something we all need to learn and know, because we can grow from it, and correct the mistakes we have made in the past.

You often hear of people asking, "If God exists then why did he let this happen to me? Why didn't he just let me die?!" There is always a reason. Perhaps that person needed to make amends with a family member. Perhaps in that persons crippled state, they were supposed to teach others, as did Christopher Reeve. He shared his life, his dilemma, still acted, and tried to encourage others to go on, and not just others who were also less fortunate.

But anyone who had a problem, to take a bite out of that problem, examine it, and your life, and makes the best of it. Helen Keller was blind; she still made an example and succeeded. As I have mentioned, none of us are perfect. But we are all here, in this spot, place and time for a reason. A reason that might not be visible to us, but there always is one.

They say that God has a plan for us all. He has previously mapped out our lives. That I do not believe in. I think God simply watches us, mistakes and all, and lets us make up our own minds, and learn from our own mistakes. He has no plan; He is just watching and learning with us.

Then there is mythology, where they mention several Gods. I also believe in that, and think that when there was, or is our God, there were more then one, which is why He mentioned He wanted no other Gods before Him. As you can well enough see, my beliefs are strange. But I am sure that I am not alone.

I also believe that there is life on other planets. Perhaps each God chose and made a planet, and made a species of their own, to watch it evolve and grow. And now the species, including mankind, are visiting the other planets to see, and learn. And compliments of the movies that mankind makes, if an Alien were to come here, that Aliens chance of living to tell about it, are slim to none. And again, in all honesty, along with my beliefs, I believe there is an area 51, and we have already taken hostage and alien and dissected it.

Regarding the Egyptians and how they made pyramids, I think there is a possibly that the Egyptians were more evolved then we give them credit. If you read past Egyptian writings, and relics and different things about the bible, including the bible code book, computers were around before we even thought or imagined them. So if computers were in our past, long before we thought to invent them, obviously there were other technologies as well. A strange belief that I have, is that evolution, and our time span are doing a circle.

And repeating itself. I think there is a possible that the UFO's and visitors to our planet are not in fact visitors, but people time traveling from our past, and I think it could be the Egyptians. They are time traveling, implanting their seeds into people from the future and trying to keep the human race from killing itself off. (If there is in fact proof of human being impregnated when they have been abducted.) I think one reason, is perhaps when King Tut knew he was dying, perhaps he wanted an heir if you will, someone from his family history to go on. Maybe the relics will tell us this, maybe the relics and Egyptian drawings already have.

There is so much about our past, present and future that superiors keep secret, one would really never know the truth. And that is part of the problem. Maybe I have a huge imagination, and am bored. Maybe it is the truth, and there are people out there who just don't want us to know, because they "think" we can't handle the truth.

Anyway, this is some of the things I believe in, because I have an open mind, and am willing to go with the flow and grow with it. Technology and time, is for change. One must be willing to go and grow with it. And the mind is a terrible thing to waste, even if this is all my imagination, at least my imagination works!
Published by Deneale K. Williams

Doctor's Do Make Mistakes! I'm Living Proof!

Doctors Do Make Mistakes! I'm Living Proof!

This is True Experience that My Husband and I Went Through

As you may or may not know, I have five children. When I went through child birth, I went through it naturally every time, except with my last, that time I used an epidural. I figured, with my sixth pregnancy, fifth child- I deserved a break!
Anyway, with my fourth child a boy- my own Doctor was on vacation. They said that his Doctor in training could do the child birth, that he knew what he was doing. I was not exactly comfortable with the new guy. And I have just cause in this, because with every child birth, I hemorrhage. And I hemorrhage in large amounts every time.

Anyway, there wasn't any complications with Dexter's labor. It lasted several hours, and I pushed and out he came, ta-da. Now the doctor is pulling out the after birth. If you know anything about child birth, then you know that the after birth must weigh the same or more than the baby did. Dexter was over eight pounds. The doctor did not reach in and pull out the after birth, he tugged, and pulled, and some fell into the bowl. He then started cleaning up and was done.

I looked over at my husband, who also thought everything was done. "It's not all of it! I" I said aloud. The Doctor smiled at me, "Ma'am" he didn't even call me by my name! "I went to School for this, you didn't. Trust me I know what I'm doing!" Oh my God! I looked over at my husband, with the look that said I'm right and the Doctor is wrong. "OK, how come other Doctors stick their hands inside and pull everything out?

"You pulled and that was it. I know there is more!" I said, I was mad, trust me.

"This is new technique. We tug until everything stops. The body will throw it all away, rejecting it, like it should. Trust me, your body wants it all out. You'll be just fine! I know what I am doing!"

I knew I was right, like I said, this was my fourth child, fifth pregnancy. "Whatever." I said.

After you give birth, they take you to a recovery room, and put you under a heat lamp. This is where you sleep, and relax, and recover after all the work of giving birth. My husband always stays with me through everything. His head is down laying beside my leg, sleeping with me.

This is where everything goes "strange". As I sleep, somehow I come out of my body, and am watching from above myself. I see myself and my husband. He is screaming and yelling, bouncing around, going into the hallway, and then I focus on what he is saying, and I hear: "So help me God, if she dies, I'm gonna sue this hospital! She told you! She told you that you didn't get all the after birth out! You didn't listen! Save her! NOW!"

That explains it, I'm dead. All because of that know-it-all Doctor. God forbid if the birthing Mother knows her own body, let alone more then a Doctor. Now I wanted to live even more, I had to let others know, and tell that Doctor off, or even his own Superior.

Doctors and nurses came in, I was hemorrhaging. They removed the blanket and there was blood and after birth everywhere. They brought me back, and then hooked up blood to me, giving me a transfusion-because I had lost so much. The Doctor was called back, and he looked at me, all apologetic like, and said: "I have to go back in, and get the after birth. You were right, I left some in there." I glared at him. My husband, holding my hand, still some what crying, says, "Asshole!" I smirked, that comment was so deserved. "The bad thing, is that I can't give you any medicine.

No pain medicine, and I have to put both of my arms inside of you. I am going to give you a manual D&C and it is going to hurt." I was still glaring and mad. "No medicine? How can you do that? Hasn't she went through enough? You screwed up! She died! And now you are going to- No!"
My husband said. "Sir, I apologize to the both of you. I swear the technique I used has worked on numerous women before you two. Nurse, get a table, and get this prepared, we need to do this STAT." I was literally bawling now.

They could only get one nurse to help. So David, my husband had to hold my leg, while the other nurse held onto the other leg. There were two Doctors in there, one climbing into me, and one watching. It was so painful. I cried, I screamed, I passed in and out of conscience-nous. My husband, had tears flowing from his eyes too, he kept apologizing. Like it was his fault!

I could feel everything, from his fingers, to a tool he used to scrape my insides. I called him foul names, I won't lie to you. I cussed big time, and I think I used every single cuss word in the book, and even made some up! I told the Doctor I hated him, I was going to kill him, I was in so much pain. People tell you scales of pain are one through ten. This exceeded ten.

As the Doctor finished, he was announcing he was done, my husband let go of my leg, "accidentally" so that I could kick the man across the room. David laughed, as the Doctor fell, and called him a name. After the Doctor stood up, he came to my side, the opposite side of my husband, and said to me, "I will be up to check on you in your room. And again, I apologize." I looked at him, "I hate you!" I said, still crying, and hurting.

The nurse came over to me, and she smiled, and leaned over and kissed my fore head. "You did a wonderful job. I am very sorry you had to go through that. I will let his boss know. As soon as you have all the blood back into your system, we'll give you pain medicine. I promise you." I didn't say a word to her. But you could see the sympathy in her eyes.

This procedure was done in the recovery room, not a surgery room, or anything. There was no time. After everyone left our sights, David leaned over to me, kissed me, and said, "I thought I had lost you. I love you. I need you, don't you ever die on me again!" He made me feel better.

Nurses kept a close on me, checking me over and over again, what seemed like every ten minutes or so. David said I was a pale white. He and I slept off and on, in between disturbances from nurses, and severe cramping pain in my belly.

After several hours in recovery, I had to pee. They came over to me, and tried to move me, and I couldn't so they had to put a bed pan under me. With every single birth, I could use the toilet on my own, until this one. The nurse had to let the Doctor know, there was no way I was going to be able to move in and out of bed right away, that I was still in excruciating pain.

So now a pain management nurse comes in, reads my vitals, to determine if I can have pain medication yet. She determined that I could have a small dose. So finally I was able to get a something, rather than nothing.

After several more hours in recovery, they sent me to a room. I was the longest natural child birthing mother, to be in recovery that long. My husband made them arrange for a private room for me, after the crap they put me through, he figured they owed me, so they did it. I was thankful to that.
The reason I am writing this, is because I know that I died. I didn't go to heaven, or to hell, I wasn't dead long enough. Either that, or it wasn't my time. The other reason I am sharing this, all of my life, I told my husband I had a fear of dying with child birth.

The Doctors tell you, they are more advanced now of days, and rarely loose mothers to child birth anymore. For me now, the fear of death during child birth was now gone, no more nightmares about it, either.

Now I have a different fear of death, sadly. So I want you to know, that if you fear or know for that matter, how you will die, you are probably right. However, it doesn't mean technology won't bring you back. Than you can have a new way to die later!

This was not my last child birth, either- so you know. I had to have a little girl, and with my fifth child birth, I finally did! Don't let your fears control you. Live life to it's fullest. I did and do!
And before I close, I would like to thank my husband David, for always taking care of me, and loving me. I too, can't live without you!
Published by Deneale K. Williams

Review: FMU: Florida Metroplitan University: Melbourne Campus, Brevard County

Florida Metropolitan University: Melbourne Campus, Brevard County  P.S.~ FMU is now Everest University

Recently, "I think" I remember Associated Content asking for information about colleges. And since I am a college student, and a Mother, and also forty two years old, I thought my insight might help someone. This is about Florida Metropolitan University in Brevard County Florida. FMU is a division of Corinthian Colleges.
I am a student at Florida Metropolitan University. I am studying Criminal Justice. I attend the Melbourne Campus, to which there are two. One on Sarno Blvd and the other on US Highway 1.
I have not done any classes online, however one of my new best friends there, has. She says it is a bit more private, that you still submit work, but everyone in the online class can view it. And she says she hates that part, because she can't spell so swell. I told her to use spell check, but she also is not very computer literate. However, she is learning.
I truly enjoy the environment at FMU, the people are very one on one, and will help you. No one is any certain age, however yes- there are many students younger than me, a good majority. But there are also students older then me. I don't feel uncomfortable with my age, I truly thought I would. Actually, because I do not act my age, the students thought I was quite a bit younger, the average guess was in my mid thirties. I'm not trying to brag though.

They have several Dean's here, if you have problems, need counseling or what not. And the teachers, also will listen. The teachers and administrators are willing give you their email address, and expect to hear from you! The teachers give you their home phone numbers, cell phone numbers, and email addresses. You can also leave messages for them at the School, if you loose everything.

FMU, the head office, even designs their own college teaching materials, however some of it is- normal college items, such as algebra for example. You do have to take a test to enter, and a credit score is done on you. They speak with you one on one, and have day time, afternoon and evening hours, even week ends, to better suit whatever your scheduling needs may be.
There are tutors, mainly for algebra, as more people do not grasp that than do. Unfortunately, they have very few tutors, and the scheduling for that is limited to said tutors availability, not yours. That was where my complication lied. I was working and going to School, and decided to take algebra because a girl friend told me we could take it at the same time, and be study buddies. Unfortunately, low and behold, she didn't do what she promised. I ended up struggling through algebra on my own. My husband does not know algebra, and everyone who claimed they would help me, suddenly became unavailable and unwilling. But, thankfully, I passed it. I did all of the homework, and the extra credit, and that is what saved my butt.

I have been on the Deans list, which is A's and B's, and also the Presidents list, which is straight A's many of times. I am quite proud of that because I did lousy in School as a kid. I tutored many students in Computer class, because I am computer literate. I also learned a few new things in my computer class. I took several students home from time to time, and also helped a few study for tests, and gave them my notes when they were absent. I hardly ever missed a day of School. I also took my own Children to School with me, to show them, and to encourage them to learn. They are old enough, they sat through classes and listened and learned with me. My daughter even participated, and impressed several of my instructors, because she was literate in my field. (She helps me study, is why and how-in case you are wondering!)

I don't think college is for everyone. I had to get student aid, and had a co-payment. Nothing was free, like my family assumes and makes fun of me for. No, we paid and are paying for my education. My husband and I are firm believers in education. And because my education was took from me, yes took. I missed out on my entire senior year, and didn't get a real diploma. I tried to re-enroll, and get an education for many years, but the way I was wronged, was by expulsion. So, preaching get an education to my children, I felt I needed to set an example. I don't want to be one of those parents that say: "Do as I say, not as I do!" I went and took, and paid for my GED. It was a lot easier then I thought, and now my children know- education first, play time and goofing around next. Since then, I so far have raised two graduates and have the other three still in School, and heading there way through School.

I have spoke at my conferences, and meetings about education, and children. Because of FMU, they teach you to speak in public, write your own speeches, and what not. I used to fear speaking in public, and wouldn't do it. Now I will do it without question! And as far as education, my husband and I are firm believers it is the way to a brighter future. I truly hate seeing and knowing how Schools will just pass you along, to get rid of you. I had a friend I went to School with. He spent four years in the seventh grade, they tried and tried to teach him, they learned he couldn't read, and no one could teach him. Finally the Schools gave up. He can barely read now, sad to say.

Florida Metropolitan University is a good School. There is a woman who does the signing you up, her name is Simone Sembler, she is very good, and has made many peoples lives better by leading them into the right path of education. She has won awards for doing this too! The head of the CJ field is Helen Scrivner and she is point blank open and honest. She will help you in any way she can, and keep on you to keep up with your work, and not to slack off. She can also spot who will go far, and who is faking it, from the get go.

There was only one time where FMU disappointed me, it was during the Holidays, when they knew my family and I were without power. They get together and do gift baskets and help their own. Everyone asked them to help me, and they told all of my friends and family, that I was already on their list to help. They never helped. But after wards, they told everyone they did help us and for both Holidays, which was a bold face lie. I found that ordeal upsetting. But I of course lived through it, and moved on.

They also have a CJ club. So once you sign up for Criminal Justice you instantly become a member. At orientation, they have contests and things, and prizes with the FMU logo and are awarded. They try to make you feel like you truly are getting more for your money, and a whole new family that will love and help you!

Mind you, FMU offers other fields, like Business Management, and Film and Video, and nursing, and many more. I am not sure what all they offer, I know there is a lot though. Business Management is the only field that you can get a Masters in thus far. You can get both an Associate and Bachelors in everything else though. They are currently trying to change that, as we speak.

Also FMU has an Orlando campus, and I am not totally sure, but there may be others. So if you want to try or join a school that will make you feel like you belong, and help you learn and maintain your education, work around your schedule, give FMU a try. Look them up online, I know they have an online page. Trust me, you will be glad you did. This is where I belong!
Published by Deneale K. Williams

My Best Friend Once was a Cat!

My Best Friend Once was a Cat!

Dedicated To Punk E. Allen Williams

Many ages ago I had a best friend, and it was my cat. Yes, I am being serious. When my cat had kittens, my husband told me to pick one, and raise it to do whatever I wanted it to do, and it would do it. He said cats were and are better than dogs. I intended to test this theory, since as a child, all we ever had was birds, and hamsters.
I named him Punk E Allen. I named him that, because his hair, when he came out of his Mother, was a very punked out hairdo. I always named my pets litters. Punk E took the name literally, and decided he would be the punk of the litter, and wrestled and fought with his siblings.

However, Punk E was not the cat, I chose. I was at Notary at the time, and people always pulled into my drive way. One day I took the children to the store, while my husband was at work. When we came home, the cat I had chosen to keep, named Black Beard, was smashed in the drive way. I didn't pull all the way into the drive, I left part of the cars rear hanging out into the street, told the kids to stay put, and they stood and watched me from the windows. I climbed out, and went to the kitten. His eye was out of his head, his face was totally smashed, and he was dead, blood and guts everywhere. I screamed "No!" and fell to my knees crying.

To me, they often say, everything happens for a reason. I guess I was supposed to keep Punk E. But it truly disgusted me that a customer would smash a cat, and not leave a note, at least apologizing. I guess too, there was a slim possibility they didn't even know they did it. Thinking of it now, still hurts to this day.

Punk E was finally old enough to take away from his Mother. It was winter time, and it was bitter cold. After all, we lived in Akron, Ohio. I wanted my cat to go places with me, and keep me company. My kids didn't ride a bus, and I didn't want them walking home on the slick ice, so I picked them up from School. Me and Punk E. I drove a station wagon, one that had the third row seat facing the back window glass. In the back, there are little cubbies, the kids usually kept toys in them. I cleaned one out, and that was exactly where Punk E chose to go, so he could see out, and enjoy the view.

Many of people cannot drive so swell on ice and snow, and every winter. I would get or help people dig out their cars, or get them unstuck from the ice, or in the snow. These people- and I hate to say this, were women. They would slam onto the gas when stuck or sliding in ice, the wrong thing to do. I don't mean to brag, but my own husband taught me how to drive. And once winter came into play, he took me to a deserted parking lot and told me to goose it, and then told me to get it under control. He gave me assignments, like spin it left, and pull it out right, like there is a car right there you have to avoid, and he would point. So I learned the ice, and how to control my car.

Punk E and I would push others cars out with our car, pull cars out with our car and a chain, and help others out. They all worried about Punk E and could not believe I had taken him with me. Punk E did not try to escape, and it became routine, at the time to pick up the kids, he was always ready and around to make sure he went.

Spring came, and it was warm enough to leave the windows down. And yes, the back glass in the station wagon, also rolled down. Did I do it? Yes, and yes Punk E stayed. He simply watched and enjoyed the view.

I also taught Punk E that he had to sleep with us, my husband and I. And he did. However, he also slept with each child, taking turns one by one. I would usually have him for a week, and then a week with the kids, back and forth. He shared his love with everyone.

Punk E was lazy, and a lot of fun, if you can believe that. He was a cuddler, and loved to lay on my chest. He played with the kids when they played with their hot wheels, and he co-operated when they would drag him to me. I was scared to death the kids were going to get a hernia, because Punk E weighed well over twenty pounds. But it was also cute to see. This just walking baby, not even two yet, proudly carrying Punk E to their Mother. They would grunt out the words as they walked, "Here Mommy." Pink E never fought the kids, he just hung there, with his back paws dragging. No claws out, nothing.

That cat was born when my third born son was born. Punk E, was around before the last two kids were born, so he knew babies and how to act around them. Never ever did he lay near anyone's face, and try to steal their breath- per myth.

Punk E could be found lying under my husbands back as he slept. When I would see this, I would freak out, because I thought he was being crushed. So I would pull Punk E out, and back under my husband he would go. I never understood that. I never even understood why my husband let it happen, however he often complained of a back ache.
When life would give me lemons, I always went to Punk E and told him about it. I complained and cried, and he would keep his eyes open and listen. He would wait until I was done, to eat or go on with whatever it was he truly wanted to do.

That cat lived for many of years, he even traveled to Florida with us. He had problems adjusting to the heat, but survived. One of the funny things about Punk E, he never came in when you held a door open. He was carried over a threshold since he was a kitten, so holding the door open, telling him to go in- he would simply look up at you. My Father-in-law wouldn't listen and believe us. Punk E was on a leash, because we were in new territory, I didn't want him running away. Punk E had no issues with leashes, we used it traveling to Florida pottying him at rest area's. My Father-in-law, seen that Punk E's tongue was hanging out, the heat was really getting to him, he said Punk E would come in, he was hot and thirsty. Punk E waited, and waited. This routine went on for many hours, finally my Father-in-law knew and believed, and bent over and picked Punk E up, and carried him, complaining the whole way. We tried to warn him, but he was insistent-Punk E could be broken.

To go outside, Punk E would literally say "Me-out!" at the door. Yes I know what you're thinking it was probably meow sounding like out, but let me tell you, he stressed the T at the end of the word out. There was a difference when he was just meowing. All the kids and my husband heard it, as did my in-laws. They knew it and heard it, and believed it, once they did. "OK, you're right, he wants out, and asked." My father-in-law said. "He said it plain as day!"

The reason Punk E was always carried over the threshold, when we would call him to come in, he would come. But once he got to the door, whomever was at the door, would do something like this: "There you are buddy, come here." And bend over and pick him up. Like my husband said, you teach the cat to do what you want it to, its going to learn, and he did.

Several years after being in Florida, and finally at out own place, Punk E was deteriorating. We knew he was dying, he was about fifteen or so years old. One day Punk E climbed into my bed, he was crying, he laid down onto the pillow, I tucked him into the blanket. He let out a loud meow, from deep inside, and he stared right into my eyes. I knew what he said. He asked me if he could die. I told him he could, and he died as I petted him to sleep.

Punk E was my best friend. He never lied to me, stole from me, and accepted me and my family just as we are. He truly loved us, and we truly loved him. And yes, by all means, kittens can be trained to do exactly what you want them to do, including speak. I miss my Punk E, and know he is watching us from heaven, making God carry him over the threshold now! And my husband says his back is much worse now without punk E, because he believes his back needs him, believe that or not!
Published by Deneale K. Williams

DVD Review; Diana~A Tribute to Her Life & Legacy

DVD Review: Diana-A Tribute to Her Life & Legacy

Queen of Hearts

 Lady Diana - princess-diana Photo
Lord Richard Attenborough does the narrative of this movie. You may remember him from Jurassic Park. He was a close and personal friend to Diana. He opens your eyes, how Diana touched so many people. And it is a view that a lot of the press did not dictate.

Diana was one of the few people who didn't run away from AIDS victims, she didn't fear getting their disease, she simply wanted to encourage them. Diana felt all people deserve to know, that they are special. And that is exactly how she made people feel. This woman was amazing. She tried to change the routine of the British motherhood scenario, she wanted to modernize everything. She believed in something a lot of parents, to this day- still shy away from. Taking your children with you, where ever and whenever you go somewhere.

Diana was idolized by many. People wanted to know her latest endeavors, her accomplishments, and even her failures. She was beautiful, friendly, loving, and wasn't afraid to let people know that she cared. It didn't matter that you were a nobody, sick and dying- you mattered. She had a lot of love to give. And people miss her still to this day.
 diana - princess-diana Photo
The press was always in her life, pointing fingers, ridiculing, laying blame, and making comments. And that is how her early demise came into existence. She wanted a little "me" time. And she was finally dating again, and the driver of the automobile tried to avoid the press. When it was finally determined that she had passed on, the World mourned.
She leaves two sons, Princes to the throne. She also leaves behind her X Prince Charles, who had already moved on before her demise. However, her death, still phased him, after all- he was the mother to his Children, and he did once love her dearly!

Diana was very loved, idolized, and needed. Her legacy lives on. And there need to be more people like her, who make the less fortunate know that they are needed and loved. You, the people- the reader- everyone- you are all alive for a reason. And Diana wanted you to live happily, even on your death bed.
diana - princess-diana Fan Art There are many guest appearances in this video including: Hillary Rodham Clinton. These guests appareances by many, are also interviewed, telling you how they felt Diana touched their lives, and the lives around her. She will live on in our hearts and our memories.

This film is not rated, and lasts eighty nine minutes. It is produced by Hallmark entertainment.
 princess diana  - princess-diana Photo
I have always paid attention to Diana and her life. I have her pictures hanging on my walls since I was a teen myself. And when I seen this DVD at Wal Mart, costing only almost ten dollars, I bought it. I couldn't resist.
Published by Deneale K. Williams

Poem: Wondering


Here I am laying in bed,

All these thoughts are racing through my head---

Tossing and turning- trying to remember;

Was it something I did,or something I said?!
Published by Deneale K. Williams

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Poem: Good Bye My Friend........

Good Bye My Friend..........

Dedicated To: Lori Marie Finney-Phelps

I had a best friend,
I always thought she cared.
She always makes our friendship end-
And acts like she is scared.
We have been friends since we were little,
I don't know why she does it,
But she puts people in the middle.
She tells lies to get herself a new friend,
And tosses the old friend to the curb-
This isn't her first time making our friendship end,
She doesn't care, just so long as she's heard!
I always used to let her come back,
I don't know why I do it;
This time there is no going back!
I have been hurt for the last damn time,
I won't let her near me again-
That's why I'm writing this rhyme;
So she can know she will never win!
I no longer have a friend like her,
I no longer care what she does with her life;
I don't care if she even grows more fur!
This marks the end of my friendship with you my dear,
So don't look my way, don't call me-nothing!
I don't care what you have to say, I don't care what I hear,
You made this choice; you can't blame anyone, or anything!
Today I grew up and woke up all at the same time,
I don't care how bad you screw up anymore-
Do your own thing, whatever it is, even if it's crime!
My heart was broken the other day,
Now I have decided to move on without you;
This is the way you wanted to play!
This is how much our friendship meant to you!
Good bye my friend............
Published by Deneale K. Williams

Poem: Why Do I Write?

Why Do I Write?

I Just Thought You Might like to Know......

I don't write to impress you,
I don't write because I have to-
I write because I want to;
And it's stuff you might relate to.
Some people might think I mean to hurt someone,
Others might think I may have said too much--
My words aren't meant to hurt anyone;
And I hope you don't take my words as such!
I have things troubling me---
As if you can't already tell,
Writing is what helps me to see,
Although I don't do it so swell!
If something I say has bothered you,
I do want to apologize from the bottom of my heart;
But no one is forcing you to read this through-
And no one told you to read from the start!
I was taught long ago to write how I feel,
When I do it this way I cause a lot less damage--
Sometimes it helps me to focus on what is real;
And help me to act more like my age!
Yes, sometimes I hold things in that I shouldn't,
I know that it is something I need to change;
And then there's times that I wish I couldn't--
And my mouth fires off like a twelve gage!
A lot of my life has been mistakes,
I'm sure I'm not the only one too--
I've had my share of gives and takes;
No matter what it is I do!
So what it is that I'm trying to say here,
Is don't hate me for what I've written or said--
Maybe you should just look in the mirror,
If you can relate to anything you've read!
In other words if you feel that I have written something about you,
Perhaps maybe I have- but allow me to explain why---
This is how I get it off my chest and the way I make it through;
I'd rather write and get paid, then sit here and cry!!
Published by Deneale K. Williams

Review: Weight Loss Product Nite Trim

Weight Loss Product Review: NiteTrim

Many months ago, I was sent an email to try the product known as NiteTrim. I wanted to share my insight with you, since I was willingly spammed and decided to willingly participate in their offer.
The product is to be taken at night, the directions say: Take 1-3 caplets with an 8 oz. glass of water 1 time daily, approximately 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime. Do not exceed 3 caplets in a 24 hour period.

My first night, the product liked to have knocked me for a loop, and the main reasons I was trying it, was because I wasn't sleeping. Yes, I am over weight, but my main concern at this time was getting a descent nights sleep. I was impressed; sleep is what I actually received that night, too!

So I decided, what the heck, let's keep taking this. How can I go wrong? I mean, after all, if it helps me with sleeping, than that is a plus in my eyes.

So a week down the road, I am noticing strengthening and muscles in my legs, pains and the desire to stretch and pull. It was sore and achy, and I had no clue what was causing it. So I told my Doctor, and he wanted to see me. Like I said, I had been using this product for a week.

At the Doctors office, I had lost ten pounds. Yes ten pounds. The Doctor looked at my calves and legs, and measured, and looked again, he determined I was loosing weight and building up my leg muscles. He wanted to know what I was doing. I told him. He knew of my sleep deprivation, and I told him that product was also helping me with that. He was impressed, and said to continue doing what I was doing.

Another week, the calves and legs aren't hurting as much, I have been sleeping better, and I can feel the product work on my legs and thighs, and even my stomach as I sleep. I am wondering where and how the fat is leaving my body. So I started paying attention.

I was slowly becoming more active, and the pain was going away, and my legs were slimming. Again, I was still enjoying the pleasure known as sleep.

The main thing I had noticed, and am convinced how the fat cells, fat products and what not leaves, is of course, through your exit system. Your digestive tract, and going to the bathroom. My bowel movements had changed, and urination had increased as well.

I dropped thirty pounds in three weeks. I was very impressed with this product. The trial sample was for thirty days, costing me only $2.95 shipping and handling. After that, they send you 2 months for something like $50 some odd dollars, don't I repeat do not quote me on the amount. They are supposed to pay you $25 for referrals of your friends and family, too, when you sign up.

However, that was a complete and total lie, I referred three people, and they gave me absolutely nothing. The advantage to that though, on my part, is my friends claimed not to like it, and gave it to me.

This product is made and manufactured by Marqilife. They are located in Tampa, Florida.
As with any product, they of course have warnings with this product, such as not advised for those under eighteen, those that are pregnant or nursing.

But I liked this product; it took care of more then one of my problems at a time. You see, I also prefer taking all of my medications at night. I can't remember to take my medicine otherwise. I like that it works while I sleep, with my sleep, and helps me to get sleep!

I do recommend giving this product a try. I do realize I am not a doctor and that everyone has different desires, needs and medical conditions. I also know, as should you, not everything works the same for everyone. What might work for me, may not work for you. But I do like this product and give it a rating on the scale of 1 to 10, a 10.

I have since been to the web sight, and it says that they are no longer offering this product, to which I don't understand. (Except for their current client base!)

I also wanted you to know; the ingredients that are in this medicine are natural, such as vitamin C, Hoodia, mustard seed and many more. Whatever it is, I know it works. I am living proof. I am totally not impressed that something that actually works, is being discontinued, but that's usually how it works for me!
Published by Deneale K. Williams

Monday, July 21, 2014

Insight: Where Were YOU when Our World Changed? Remembering September 11th!

Where Were YOU when Our World Changed? Remembering September 11th!

Please Feel Free to Tell Us What and Where You Were on This Day, in the Comments Section

I am not a morning person, let alone a person who watches TV in the daytime. There are way too many soap opera's on, and talk shows for my taste. But September 11, 2001 was different for me, and that very day, is something I am sure all of us will remember for a long time.
 The new 9/11 memorial - rememebering-911 Photo
I was doing laundry, and all of the kids were at School. My phone rang, and I answered it. It was a telemarketer, and they needed and wanted to speak with my husband. I told them that he was impossible to reach, he kept long hours, and was rarely home in the daytime. The person, a man, asked if I was David's wife. I said I was, and said how many years we had been married at that time. Some agencies won't talk to the spouse, and then there are some that can and will. Not every agency is the same. Personally I was hoping this was his cue to thank me, and go onto the next caller.

Instead, the telemarketer says, "You're in luck, I can talk to you if you would like." I was not impressed. But, I decided to be nice, and ask what this is regarding. The man told me he could hook us up with cell phones for a really low price. I chuckled, and told him that we had bad credit. The man told me, it didn't matter, let him do his job, and he could see if he could help us out.

We didn't have cell phones at this time, and had wanted one, and had been trying. But we were having no luck, so I was thinking- this couldn't hurt. The man took down my information, and then pressed the button to process. He said there was a problem with the Internet, and put me on hold. Bored, I now turned on the TV as I held the phone to my ear. I was flipping through channels. Everywhere I looked the news was on, and I was starting to get even more bored. After a few short minutes, the man came back onto the phone, "Today is your lucky day." He said. "It appears there has been a terrorist attack, and our main computers were in the World Trade Center, so we are going to go ahead and process all applicants today." I was speechless, and excited-but shocked all at the same time.

Now I completely focused on the woman talking on the screen. The phone was still up to my ear.

"Mrs. Williams did you hear me?" the man questioned.

 I responded, and he told me to expect the two phones that I had applied for, they would arrive in about three to four business days. I asked if this was a hoax, and would his company re-evaluate this, and what not-later. And then decide it was a mistake, I told him that I didn't want to get my hopes up. He assured me it was real, there was no other choice, unless of course, I declined the contract right now. I agreed, and the call was done.

My face was staring at the TV, and I turned the volume up. I couldn't believe this was real. I was speechless, scared, and confused. I wanted to tell my husband, but had no way to reach him. And then I remembered our best friend from his work, had family in New York. I dialed my husbands work, and asked for our friend. Her name is Marie. I asked her if she knew what was happening, I didn't want to freak her out. She did, and her voice was very shaky. I told her she needed to go home, and she told me- that would only worry her worse. I asked if she physically had heard or knew if her children were OK. She sighed, and you could hear her gulping. She told me she hadn't. I felt so bad for her. We lived a hop skip and a jump from my husbands work, so I asked her if she wanted me to come over, and sit with her, and wait. She told me no, she had work to do.

I felt so terrible for her. But I know she wouldn't be able to reach her children, the TV was begging people to stay off the phones, except for emergencies. This had to be one of the worst things for her. I didn't want to be selfish, but I asked her to have David call me, when he could find a pay phone. I also asked her not to tell him anything, I didn't want him to think I was freaking out or anything, too. She said she would get right to it, and we hung up.

Now mind you, almost my whole family is in Ohio. Which Ohio and New York are not that far apart. So I dialed my father, and the line was busy. He doesn't have call waiting. Then I called my Aunt, and left a message on her answering machine. The news was now stating that there are other planes with terrorists in control. I am not quite sure of the time frame of these things happening, I just know it was happening, and it was before noon. I thought of the President, and hoped they would get him and his family to safety. Because I hadn't been watching from the beginning, I was learning what was happening and what did happen out of order. I watched as one of the towers could no longer hold itself up, and collapsed. Another plane hits the Pentagon. The president had came on, in between me flipping through channels, and stated that it was a terrorist attack. I couldn't understand why.
Shortly there after, they announce they did evacuate the White House. Newscasters are worried what all else is a target, and speak of their thoughts on this subject. I think about all the things out at Kennedy Space Center. What if they hit there? I was living in Mims, which was right off of Titusville-Space City USA. All the stuff for the shuttle, all the storage of fuel and what other chemicals they use, it would be a prime target. And I as I thought, I felt that it would cause enough damage if hit, to wipe out all around the Space Center. I wanted my kids to come home. I wondered if I was worrying for no reason. I didn't know how to think like a terrorist, I didn't see just cause in these attacks, this just didn't seem right. Why were they bullying the United States? We help feed the starving Children in Other Countries, we help all other Countries, and we do all that we can for everyone else, so why us?

Then the phone rang, and it was my husband. "What's up honey?" He asked. I asked if he had heard what was going on. He did, he said everywhere he went to service the portable toilets, everyone was talking. He then asked if I was OK, and if I had talked to my family up North. I told him I left a message, and that Dad's line was busy. David assured me everything would be OK, and that today, he would see to it, he would be home at a descent hour. He could read me through the phone line, and knew this was bothering me.

I called the School, and asked if they knew what was going on. The secretary assured me they knew, and that the students were watching this live, in every classroom, and that they weren't doing anything else other than that. I wondered if that was the right thing. I didn't ask if it was, I only wondered. The secretary, because I was not responding told me, the reason they were doing this, because it was history in the making, and the kids, and us of course, were a part of it. So it was important, and educational. I agreed.

The woman then told me, "Not to mention, a lot of students have families else where. Not many are born and raised here."

Again, I agreed with her, and told her that my children and I are proof, we were from Ohio. The secretary said she was from Pennsylvania. You could hear the phone ringing and ringing in the back ground. I told the secretary I better let her go get that.

She laughed and said, "Mrs. Williams it hasn't stopped ringing since this started. It is being answered, trust me. It's just that every parent is calling in, to check on the status of their kids, and School. But thank you for calling." And she hung up.

I called my Dad, and got through. It was an answering machine, so I left a message. Then I remembered Dad had to work, and his schedule kept changing. So he could've been sleeping, or at work. I just wanted to be sure he was OK, and that my sister was too. I wasn't sure, but I had heard she had been in England, maybe she was there now, and safer then the rest of us. I sure hoped so.
So much was happening, I just watched and listened. I didn't finish the laundry, I didn't eat lunch, I just kept watching.
The front door was open, and a neighbor walked up onto the porch, "Oh, you are up!" The old lady said. "So you do know what's going on?"

She questioned. I told her I did, and she stepped inside, and told me she was worried, she had family in New York. She sat down on the couch beside me, and we both sat quietly, watching and mourning the victims. Fire fighters covered in dust were walking across the screen, and then clips of events, back and forth. Eventually, my neighbor must have let herself out, I didn't even notice. I felt bad, I didn't mean to give her the silent treatment. But my mind- it was just racing, so many thoughts. I could hardly keep up with everything I was thinking. I was however, wishing and hoping-it was a bad dream, that I was still asleep in bed. But unfortunately, this was really happening.

Later the kids came home, and yes- the TV was still on. My oldest announced they had been watching this very channel non-stop in his classroom.

 He then told me, "They suspended the classroom changes, we stayed in one room, until lunch time." I listened as he explained.

"After lunch we went to home room, and watched the news some more." My son sat down beside me.

 "Is Grandpa OK?" He asked. I wasn't sure which grandpa he meant, so I asked, and he was concerned with my father-because he was in Ohio.

"Can they see the smoke in Ohio?" He asked me. I promised once someone called me, I would asked.

They were now rerunning all the events. There was an announcement that all flights were canceled.
The President didn't know for how long, but it would definitely be a few days. There were concerns of more terrorists out, and about. Suspicions of what could happen, were being spoke aloud by all newscasters. Fire men covered in debris were racing around, a few were sitting on street corners drinking water, crying. Newscasters were now asking questions to the people watching, from a distance. Some were crying. There were even people asking about others, their friends or family members, that were supposed to have been in the buildings-they wanted to know, if they were OK. No one had answers. You could see and feel the pain of everyone around. You felt out of place, sitting at home, miles away, doing nothing.

This was a day that we will never forget. A day, we will never understand, and a day, that our lives all changed. The President supported us, and led us all in prayer. This is the day, America became more united then ever before. On this day, many of us knew very little about terrorism. Even if you didn't know not one person who was killed, you still cried, you still felt the pain, and you still mourned with those that did. Every September 11th, you will remember, not by choice, but because it was one of the biggest life changing moments in our lives. You may not have physically been there at ground zero, you may have been at work, or home watching it on TV like me-but your heart was there with the over worked fire fighters, with the worn out police officers, and with the people dying under the rubble. I am sure your thoughts raced, just as mine did. I am sure you too, felt the pain and agony. Like I said, this was a day, the United States of America became one, and more united than it had ever been. We were a Nation wounded, that would rise above it, pull together, and help one another heal.

To the families of those that lost their loved ones and friends of September 11th, I hope someday you will recover from your pain. Your loved ones played an important part in your life, and they will not ever be forgotten. You will not ever be forgotten either. I have been told time and time again, that there is a reason for everything. I don't know what the reasoning was in the loss of your friend or family, and I know you miss them dearly. Many people say that when you die, you go to a much better place than the World we live in. It is all in a manner of whatever you believe. I assure you, your loved one, is watching over you, now. Now you have your own little guardian angel. I don't know what else to say, other then we will never forget. We are all much stronger since this has happened, and together is how we will always prevail.

Rest in peace to those that died on September 11th, your death will not go unwarranted, and we will continue to fight for, and honor you. You will never be forgotten. To the fire fighters, police and volunteers, you were a blessing and a God send. You too, will never be forgotten. So many are grateful to all that you did. To those that donated water, money to the families who lost their friend or family member, you too-played an important role. To the President, that pulled us together, and prayed with us, and helped us all stand strong and prevail, we thank you too. This was a big, hard learning experience for everyone, and without one another, we would not have survived. Thank you, one and all, and God bless you, and keep you safe, happy and healthy.
Published by Deneale K. Williams

Review: ROOTS 30th Anniversary Edition DVD Verses the Book

Review: ROOTS 30th Anniversary Edition DVD Verses the Book

Long ago, when I was a child- I watched Roots with my parents. It was a weeks event, shown on public television, and everyone watched it, and talked about it for weeks on end.
Recently the 30th edition of the movie and book were released. Because I had seen it so long ago, I decided to get the book first, and see what was or was not in the movie. Then I watched the movie again.

The book is more in depth, as you know it would be. And I feel the very start, you needed to see and understand the hard times that the African's were put through. They didn't show you that in the movie. They didn't include the death on Kunta Kinte's grandmother, and other events that I found important. And I think they should of, but then again- the movie was already quite lengthy.

Alex Haley put a lot of work into the research of his family. And in the 30th anniversary edition, Alex's own son Williams Haley, speaks with LeVar Burton, joining the Historians and creators of Roots. This is hosted by Louis Gosset, Jr. who plays the character-Fiddler in the movie. This was quite impressive, and heart felt.

I think every person who hasn't seen Roots, needs to. And for those of you who actually like to read, you need to read the book. It is more in depth, much more explicit and revealing then the movie in some cases. I knew it would be, when a writer writes a book, and it is put to a movie, things are lost. But the producer of the movie: David L. Wolper- did do a descent enough job, making things known, and what not.
This movie, and book, are an important part of our history. I give the book-on my typical scale of one through ten- a ten, and the movie a nine. I know a lot of hard work went into the production of the movie, but I still feel things needed to be made known- to properly understand. You needed to know, that the Africans were sick and dying off, and had their fair share of misery. That helps you to understand why some of the slaves, unlike Kunta Kinte-state, "I don't want to remember. I am fed, and I am healthy. I don't want to remember Africa." The two go hand in hand.

I am glad that this movie, and book are being re-released because people need to know their history, and the history of others. This is a big planet, and the more educated we are-the more we understand one another better.

The movie is not rated and lasts 573 minutes. Alex Haley died in 1992.
Published by Deneale K. Williams